OK been reading that lake management stuff and holy crap is this going to be a lot of work. I figured digging a pond was just send a guy in with a trackhoe and a dozer and then fill it with water and fish. Also my dad said the guys we are bringing in quote "Know their ****". so I guess thats good. Also to solve the lack of over hanging cover whats good to plant along the edge? I also thought about maybe having a nice sized fake dock with 2-3 boat slips built somewhere to provide some more cover as well. We plan on setting some fish traps on the river to get some adult fish but how long should we wait if stocking with mostly juvis before throwing in larger, adult fish? I dont wanna toss in a few adult bass and have them gorge themselves on everything we stocked. And the big question. After its finally finished and stocked how many years before you should fish it?