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Everything posted by Hanover_Yakker

  1. The videos are cool, I especially liked the line fall rate comparison and the side imaging episodes. I could see how underwater views can help validate lure behavior and fish orientation to structure and cover. Pretty cool idea but there is a point of diminishing returns regarding content where you'll end up sharing the same info over and over.
  2. I'm betting a green or white one would spark interest in some of the Shimano guys on here. I know I'll be ordering a few more here soon. I just picked up a lefty Revo Premier and still need to get the handles for my Calcutta 200B and Curado 200.
  3. I'll be curious to see the long term durability feedback on the lip material. I have several friends that shy away from the X-Raps because of this issue. I'm intrigued by the bait though for open water. I could see where it would be a great search bait for identifying aggressive feeders on a body of water.
  4. Hey there stranger - glad you made it on this way. I find the info and content on here more relevant to fishing, hence why I am more active here than on the other sites you and I frequent .
  5. Overall, its SPRO for me. For hook ups, the Scum Frog shines, but where the SPRO makes it mark is not only in the ability to work and cast the frog better, but the durability of the SPRO outshines the Scum Frog hands down in my opinion. I have several SPROS (as well as a couple Koppers and Evovles), but the one Scum Frog I own I do not even use. It was a gift from my son, and I don't want to have it destroyed by some of the aggressive pickerel in our ponds that we fish and have him get upset.
  6. My thoughts exactly! I sent the info to Josh already. He is seriously considering it for his Type Rs.
  7. You can fish Briery in a kayak - do it all the time. You just need to take your time and not go to fast. My advice would be to go out with someone a few times first. It can be quite a challenge trying to unsnag a kayak that is stuck fro ma submerged stick that is caught in a scupper hole. The tree limbs flex a lot, so once you are stuck it becomes difficult to get free. Last thing you want to do is have to get out and lift the kayak off but it can be done.
  8. I would recommend the Clarus Crankbait rod - spent over 6 hours this past Friday using mine slinging a square bilI. No issues at all. am a cost conscious buyer when it comes to rods. I have yet to pay more than $110 for any rod in my inventory. I own four different Clarus rods (the crankbait casting, two of the worm and jig casting and one of the worm and jig spinning), a Compre Musky Rod (my swimbait rod and live bait rod when in the salt), and a Crucial spinning rod. All three are rock stars. The Clarus rods were all $79 from BPS, while the Compre was on sale at BPS for $99. The Crucial was on sale at Green Top for $69. The OTC warranty is no joke. I use to own a Shimano 7'11" Crucial Swimbait rod I had purchased for $100. I snapped the tip by accident leaving the house one day and was able to swap it out OTC for the newer model at no cost. Ended up selling the rod, because it was too big to transport inside my vehicle and I had nowhere to store it in the house - 8' ceilings and all rooms have ceiling fans - YIKES!!! Needless to say, the tallest rod in my household right now is 7'2" with most in the 6'6" - 6'10" range.
  9. You can never go wrong if you have a white 1/4oz. Rooster Tail, a Beetle Spin with the grub body in green or orange, and a ball head jig with a 3-4" curly tail grub in your "pond arsenal". Those three baits alone have accounted for more than half of the bass I have caught in my lifetime in small ponds.
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. Lipless Cranks and spinnerbaits for seeking out aggressive fish and follow up with the soft plastics approach.
  12. No worries Jay - I firmly believe in the the concept of "less is more" when chasing these finicky finned creatures. One thing I can tell you is that fishing out of a kayak really encourages and rewards simplification and having gear and tackle that is cross-species functional and not "pigeon-holed". When it comes to soft plastics, I keep it real simple - natural colors for the most part and only three individual packs of "bright" colors. Heck, I bet I could narrow it down to one - black and be fine for most of the waters I fish .
  13. Well, I can tell you from personal firsthand eye witness accounts that the bag works perfectly fine for soft plastics in their original bags. My co-worker and his father both use them on their boats for storing their soft plastics in using the same bags they bough the lures in. Remember, just because the product description says it is designed or intended to be used for a given purpose doesn't limit how you can use it. On a different note, if we all followed the recommended uses, we would never use any lure on one of our rods that wasn't specifically called out in the manufacturer's recommended uses, right? I mean I know I use my "spinnerbait" technique rod for more than just spinnerbaits or my "worm & jig" technique rod for that plus frogs and other lures. Then again, I am a kayak angler, so I just leave my plastics in their bags and just take 3-4 various ones and take the dilemma and unnecessary decision making out of the process all together .
  14. Not a big proponent of carrying a lot of gear on the water but something like the Browning Worm Satchels at BPS might work..... http://www.basspro.com/Browning-Worm-Satchels/product/10221617/
  15. It's not listed on DGIF's site, but if it were me I would contact the Fredericksburg Office and ask... VDGIF Fisheries Biologist 1320 Belman Road Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Phone: (540) 899-4169
  16. If space or weight is a concern, you can opt for the 5ah version I mentioned early on. I used one I bought from Batteries Plus, but Radio Shack sells them as well..... http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3932591&utm_source=SHOP&utm_campaign=product&utm_medium=CSE I use this one with a Lowrance Elite-4x DSI and ran it for over 6 hours this past Friday. Prior to that, I had used it for two days straight without charging it. It's all in how you setup your electronics and whether you have every bell and whistle turned on that will affect how much it draws. I turn off almost all the extras and then turn off the FF once I am on a spot.
  17. I can respect that but I guess my point was more towards balance like deak just mentioned. It has been proven year in and year out that a passing focused offense will not have long term success and will be challenged to win a SB. As soon as teams realize that the balance hovers around the 60/40 rule (60% pass/ 40 % run), they will be better off. Remember, football is a three-sided equilateral triangle - offense, defense and special teams. If any one of the three or even worse two are disproportionate, it places greater pressure on the remaining element. Look at the Cowboys the past 3 years - decent special teams, competitive offense (albeit skewed more towards pass than run) and an excessive amount of pressure placed on the defense to hold leads with inferior talent. Or in specific games where the defense does their part to get the ball back but albeit too late in the game and forcing the offense into pass only mode and predictable. You have to have personnel to balance out each side of the triangle throughout each game and for the season on the whole otherwise, you'll end up like the Cowboys every year - big on promise, low on fulfillment.
  18. The one you're looking for at Radio Shack for the AA type is this one: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062242 You may also need to snag something like this as well to make the connection: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062218 Good luck!
  19. The real deal is for 4 years if you look at how the contract is structured. A lot of fans overreacted to the news of the deal without fully understanding it's true value. The only numbers they saw were $108 Million extnesion and $55 Million in guarantees. What they failed to understand was the $11.5M was already guaranteed under his current deal for the 2013 season, so in reality, the remaining amount is really what was "new money". The remaining fluff in the guarantees is a medical safeguard for the cowboys for the first three years. All in total the real value equates to just around $57M. Which by the way is less than Drew Brees ($61M and Joe Flacco $62M). The rest of the numbers are just funny money that the player will never actually see the full value of due to future contract restructures or the player getting cut. Romo's deal is actually very favorable when compared to other QB deals currently and will pale in comparison when the deals for Aaron Rodgers, Matt Stafford and Matt Ryan come up in the next two years. Where it is going to be a challenge is in year 2-3 of the deal where his salary balloons into the mid $20M range per season, but that will pale again in comparison to the aforementioned QBs who will have larger deals and more guaranteed money. The real terms of the contract look like this: Year Base Sign. Bonus Misc. Cap Charge 2013 $1.5 M $5 M $5.32 M $11.82 M 2014 $13.5 M $5 M $3.27 M $21.77 M 2015 $17 M $5 M $3.27 M $25.27 M 2016 $8.5 M $5 M $1.64 M $15.14 M 2017 $14 M $5 M N/A $19 M 2018 $19.5 M N/A N/A $19.5 M 2019 $20.5 M N/A N/A $20.5 M In reality, the only problematic years are 2-3. The rest of the deal looks like a less than market deal for a top10-15 QB. He'll never see any of that money in reality, because they will approach him next year and have him restructure his base salary again. It's done every year on every team in order to extend the player until the point in which the player loses leverage over his team and can be cut without too great of a cap hit. For all the Redskin fans out there - good luck with your QB situation. If he continues to have some measure of success, which I think he will, you will be faced with the same dilemma only worse - the market value for his services will far outweigh the price that the Cowboys will have paid. Oh yeah, you'll still be sitting there 5 years from now waiting in anticipation like the rest of the Cowboys fans for that long overdue Super Bowl ...... It's a proven fact over the course of history in the NFL, change is only temporary. It only takes one offseason to figure out how to stop a new wrinkle on the offensive side of the ball. Remember the run and shoot based offense from the Oilers under Warren Moon? How many Super Bowls did that win? Zero. How about the WIldcat? Didn't last long as a viable play call did it? A mobile QB is a great thing when they are under pressure but not as a primary offensive play call. Look at all the mobile QBs in the history of the NFL - that means the QBs who were runners and not passers like Vick, Cunningham, Elway, Young, etc. How many of them won a Super Bowl as a running QB? Zero. Now Elway and Young won SBs eventually, but only when they honed their passing and used the run as a last ditch effort. If RGIII keeps it up, his career will be over before he even has a chance to sign a long term contract. He is gifted and an awesome athlete, but he needs to learn how to play smarter. Brady and Manning haven't lasted this long for their athletic prowess and they are classic prototypical pocket or mid-line passers. RGIII, Romo, Kaepernik, etc all should take note of this fact and hone their passing skills first, run when needed to extend a play or get that first down but slide and avoid the hit. You'll last a lot longer in this league.
  20. If you own an iPhone (not me), you can download an app entitled Float Plan that will automatically email the information to a designated individual as well. I always just send a text to my wife when I arrive, where I am at, what time I plan to leave and when I actually leave with an ETA of when I will be home.
  21. This Friday is my scheduled day off, and I was wondering if anyone was free or interested in meeting up on the water. I'm in Richmond and usually travel about 1.5-2 hours max for an outing to make sure I have at least 5-6 hours on the water before loading up and heading home. I'm up for anything but have a special place in my angling heart for Sandy River & Briery Creek. Wouldn't mind checking out Lee Lake or somewhere new though.
  22. The modified Albright is the only one I use. Much easier to tie on dry land though . I usually pre-tie mine at the house or prior to launch.
  23. Confidence Baits Little Tubes on a 1/8oz. Micro Draggin' Head jig. In either the River Bottom or Raven color schemes. You can also rig them on the CB tube jig heads in the 3/32 or 1/16 oz heads and the tube will stand straight up.
  24. Abu Garcia Revo Inshore baitcaster. The best all purpose reel made hands down. It doubles as my heavy cover bass reel and my saltwater reel for chasing reds, stripers, sheepsheads and spadefish.
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