If you are thinking of camping, you need to practice packing your kayak on dry land several times and take into consideration points of access, portage, freshwater storage (most significant weight variable), etc. Most of your higher end kayaks have a load capacity of at least 350-400lbs. Some even more. For day trips or simple overnight trips, the key is to pack lightly as it relates to fishing gear (basically items you can fit in small stowable boxes or items that fit in their product bags). Also keep in mind that some outings may involve maneuvering your kayak through areas of low hanging or overhanging items (trees, bridges, etc) where your rods would need to be either stowed or lowered. Check out this summary of a tour Kayak Kevin did back in 2008 - granted it was for a lengthy trip but it gives you a feel for the amount of gear he packs as a veteran kayak tourer. Before every tour, Kevin spend times practicing how he will pack his kayak and do short paddles to test stability and handling.