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Everything posted by Nubbins1911

  1. I have been chasing the baitfish for a few days with a few fish but nothing of size, like the Brim Reaper I have been trying everything
  2. Around 10'-12' from the spillway and left and 15'-16' to the right (looking out into the water). I was surprised had thought It would be deeper. I have had some good days and some slow days there.
  3. Thanks for the update, been thinking of trying Aquia with my kayak for snakehead
  4. I would also add to the list a First aid kit, I keep one secured in one of my watertight hatches.
  5. Dicks has these on sale for under $3
  6. Congrats and thanks! Your posts helped me with my decision on a kayak This is me on my first day, I felt right at home in the kayak. I only caught a few dinks that day but had a great time.
  7. Welcome GDR! Nice first post, what part of VA are you in?
  8. Am I missing something? Some have said its to heavy but the Ride 115x is 80lbs and it is only 7lbs heaver than the Slayer at 70lbs
  9. Reston, Va here. Just waiting for the ice to melt
  10. If you are launching a kayak or canoe It is only $40 plus $15 for key as long as you don't use a trailer. http://www.nvrpa.org/park/fountainhead/content/fees
  11. I bought one for swim jig and t- rig from Fish Ranger and have been very happy http://www.thefishranger.com/Powell_Diesel_Casting_Rods_p/-powell-diesel-casting-rods.htm
  12. You never know till you try, this pond is very small but have caught a 4.5lbs a few times here and few smaller but shuts down after I catch 3 fish
  13. Any preferred colors? Just remembered I got a TW gift card for fathers day
  14. The Shakey head is still something I need to learn also bottom contact jigs
  15. Lol probably the one spot I didn't fish
  16. Nope not me. Bull Run has kicked my but two weeks in a row and has really hurt my confidence, I'm going to have to rethink my next trip
  17. I got there after you and went upstream and had very little luck. I only saw one person fishing from a john boat, it was camo and he looked nothing like your avatar.
  18. I'm glutton for punishment, going to try Bull Run again on Saturday wish me luck
  19. What color kayak were you in? I'm in a bright blue 13' jon. Maybe i'll see you all sometime. I guess its khaki color? If you see me feel free to say hi and tell me what i'm doing wrong.
  20. You guys are killing me, I went out of bull run Monday and couldn't buy a bite. I'm fishing from a kayak and still new to the Rez
  21. Our local WM now has this as a in store one time offer of $29.96 4/14-4/20
  22. Received my 7' rod and its defiantly last years model but still a good deal and even better I only paid $20.96 for mine. I received a rebate of $10.50 after I sent and email complaining about them using a photo of a Vendetta2 in there ad.
  23. Oh I know whats it's like during the swarm but not how it affects the fishing, I'm guessing the top water is hot at first
  24. Looks like there due to return this year http://www.allproudamericans.com/Billions-of-Cicadas-to-Hit-to-The-East-Coast.html . Does anyone remember what the fishing was like 17 years ago during the swarm?
  25. Here you go http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/114975-powell-rod-special/
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