There are bodies of water where you might need a boat that big and that fast and that equipped with electronics to catch bass, but on lots of water, you can catch big bass and some days, lots of bass with lots less. See @Pat Brown, @AlabamaSpothunter, @pdxfisher, @N Florida Mike, @thediscochef, @PhishLI, @Aaron_H, @Fried Lemons, @Scott W, @Bluebasser86, and many others. Some of these guys don't even have a boat and when @Fried Lemons floats, he's fishing from a board with his feet dangling. Then there's @TnRiver46, who catches bass from every conceivable craft. If I had a hundred grand bass boat, I'd feel soooooooo much pressure to catch soooooooo many big bass and to put everyone I know on their PBs. Like the Bible says, to whom more is given, more is expected.