I didn't fish May, June, and half of July, but once I realized that there are bass pert near everywhere, I got busy and caught hundreds. My best session, morning or evening, was 57, but I had many sessions in the forties.
As most of you know, my main lure was the Whopper Plopper, but I also caught fish with a wacky-hooked Senko, a wakebait, jerkbaits, crankbaits, Mepps spinners, and froggin'.
My challenges were:
1. Learning to fish weeds after decades of fishing rocky lakes in northwestern Ontario for smallmouth.
2. Froggin'! Man, it's hard, but it's the funnest form of fishing I've ever done because that frog makes them so mad and they often hit right beside my canoe and then you have to fight them in the half-liquid of weeds and water.
3. My dang nets. I bought three of this summer, but became wary of netting a fish because the hooks would tangle in the net. I'm hoping my third net, made of rubber and aluminum, will be the winner next year.
4. Becoming up-to-date on the new lures for largemouth. You guys reference so many lures and brands that I don't know. I made a little progress, but I have much further to go.
5. The dark. I've had such good fishing before sunrise and after sunset that I started fishing earlier in the morning and staying later in the evening. In the wilderness, there's not much that scares me, but when people might be near, I get the heeby-jeebies. So, I started wearing a knife, a tactical flashlight, and seriously potent pepper spray that's about ten times as powerful as bear spray. And I stop and listen sometimes in the dark, to discern if someone is afoot.
My current challenge is waiting for next year!