I fish a lot of the same cover. When I would snag mine, I paused for a count of three. Most of the time it worked loose. Other times I used conventional methods to get it free about 90% of the time.
BASS is gaining strength. With new owners it will take a little time. This could be their breakout year. The Classic coverage is supposed to be second to none. If you get a chance watch the coverage online. Last years footage online was spectacular and this year I bet will be better.
I was very disappointed when ESPN purchased BASS. I lost interest and let my subscription lapse. I basically quit watching. I was so glad to hear that they sold it and the new owners were moving the headquarters back where it needed to be. In Alabama!
As far as MLF, it is in a league of its own! I can't get enough. This concept could be the next big thing. I can't wait for the next tournament with their format.
Bass Times stated that everything is free.
There will be tons of stuff to purchase. It is sponsored by Dick's and there is going to be 180 plus booths in a 150,000 square foot area.
It's going to be interesting fella's! The weather could be nasty! The bottom is supposed to drop out. 60 degrees now. Next week cold with chances of snow. Gotta love Okie weather!
^^^ Trapper up there can help ya out. He's got a tourny after the Classic. I don't fish Grand until June in my tourny. I could help ya out when you get ready to fish it. Just PM me and I'll help you out the best I can.
On another note. I seen a Gene Larew billboard tonight. It said to stop by their booth at the Classic. Shining like a diamond on this cool February night!
I'm going with Jason Christie. Although I believe Alton Jones could be a dark horse. It all depends on the weather. This time of year in Oklahoma is nuts. It could be snowing and 15 or 65 and windy as hell. Hopefully they'll get decent weather leading up to the tournament.
It all depends on the weather. We have a good week of weather leading up to the tournament it could take 60 plus to win. Jerkbaits, crankbaits,, spoons, and jigs should be dominate. Late February is a tough time to catch them on Grand.
I have read these magazines for years. I am still in shock the Classic will be in my backyard. I have read the Bassmaster article 3 times this eventing. I just received it in the mail this afternoon! I've already worn out the Bass Times. It is at work. I received it Saturday. It has done nothing but consume my mind these last couple of months.
7'6" Heavy. Bare minimum for me. I also go glass instead of graphite. It has helped my hook up ratio because it allows the fish to hold it just long enough to get a few more of the SS mustads in its mouth!
Been thinking about you too man. My pops had it about 5 years ago. They caught it early as well. He had to go to 40 straight days of radiation. Monday through Friday. All it did to him was make him real tired. He's been cancer free since then. Since then they have came out with radiation treatments in as little as 5 appointments. May the good Lord bless you and your family!
That's up to you. Looks like he is using their name and packaging to sell a fake 110. As Teal stated above "you were informed of what you were buying" I doubt you can do anything other than alerting Megabass.
Biffle head with a Biffle bug. Put a rattle inside or buy the bug's with the rattle in the bait. Retrieve fast enough to keep it contact with the bottom or cover.
I say any multimedia Long Mike. Sometimes I just can't get on the site. When I'm at work, I get breaks and lunch. So I have free time to read. DVD's would be good when all my show have been watched on the DVR!
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