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Everything posted by CountBassula

  1. So MCS, AK, and I have been thinking about how to up my odds, here's what we came up with...
  2. MCS, think Bratislava! When I was growing up in commie Poland, getting a b-day card from my dad (who migrated to the USA in 1982) with $20 in it was like winning the lottery! I would have half the town following me wanting to see where I was going to spend it (google Pewex)! I was one of the 2 kids in the entire town to have a PC (386SX-25mhz) and the only kid in town with a real gameboy (early 90's)! When I saw that scene in EuroTrip when the hotel worker gets a nickle and declares he's quitting and starting his own hotel I nearly fell off my chair I was laughing so hard!!!! in the late 90's and early 2000's a dollar went really far in Poland! I enjoyed making money while in HS here in the states and then going to poland of summers and living like a king! Those were the good days!!! very nice! you keep talking like that LMG and you'll have a boating accident next time we go out
  3. PSH! I grew up in a POLISH hood! Take that!
  4. his fishing friendly design is me taking the pic while he holds it LOL
  5. Lol no! Zoom lizards, green pumpkin and cheruete (spelling?) I think
  6. Some pics from the Sunday's Exercise in Futility...
  7. With weather cooling down in S. FL. I have a feeling this will be a very fierce competition!!! Finally!!!
  8. Today was the first time in 2 weeks I had time to fish ad the bite was absolutely on fire! I went to a canal near my house and I must have caught 15+ fish in 2 hours! Lou, are we doing fractional inches? I'm at 16", 17", 17.5" and 18.5" I guess. Or round it down. I'm not sure how we're doing this (gotta squeeze every inch I can if I'm to win LOL ) I feel this will be the month things turn for the better! LgMouthGambler and I are hitting it early Sunday morning, hopefully I'll be able to cull some of my numbers Oh yea... I don't want to hear one word about them being under 20" MCS!!!
  9. What what what?!?!??! I'm not in the top 5 with my 18" monster?!?!?!??!? This calls for a video
  10. How about you go spend it one dollar at a time, in a dance club, instead of fishing this month, haa? haaaaaa? LOL J/K! Congrats and enjoy the spoils of victory
  11. AK your days are numbered because... I'm in
  12. wait, is DeepDish and AK-Jax86 the same person? I just sent AK an e-giftcard to BassPro I'm very confused now...
  13. Still sick like a dog. d**n! Lou, please have the winner PM me their email address as well as shipping address M.
  14. Ninjas!!! I may hit the water tomorrow, if not I'm out for this month. I've been sick again, plus overworked at my job. It sucks!
  15. I did exactly that, with the exact hardware he recommends, and I'm now a bait casting master (you did see the video right?) LOL!
  16. Booyah Pod Crusher Jr. is my go to frog for bass and snakeheads. and definitely 50# braid! snakeheads don't seem to care about color, and for bass the cricket color is the one to go with
  17. you mean OUR Sundays
  18. the video is coming. i've been swamped with work recently, we're in software closedown and release to market in 3 weeks, so it's been a fire drill every day at work...
  19. i took that picture, it's him
  20. I've been loco since day one! It's awesome!!!
  21. I'm all braid all the time now. From reel to hook! Tried frogging today, got one strike, no fish But i have some great lines for my new video... to give you a taste... LgMouthGambler's 10 inch bass is longer than my 20 inch bass... and his grandfather invented the fishing hook... and spawning females think his boat is a bead... stay tuned... it's gonna be GOOOOOOOOD
  22. NOT NOW Nor the last 3 months for that matter, I'll tell you when it gets better
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