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Everything posted by CountBassula

  1. When I found out my first child was going to be a boy I went out and bought a Sig P220 Equinox for him before he was even born. Now he has that and a .22 revolver waiting for him in the gun safe for when he's old enough (he's 4 now). Right now my kids know that guns a boo-boo and not to be touched (of course none are laying around for them to!!!) but still when I handle them I always explain those are adult things. What I figured would help would be to ease their curiosity, so one time I let my son touch and handle some of my pistols and shotguns. he was bored of it after 5 minutes and never asked to see them again :-) in few years we'll be shooting buddies. oh, and noone in my family would dare to say a word, plus they are all gun owners or approve and are envious of my collection anyways ;-)
  2. Would be a senko but I stopped using them long ago because there are more fun lures :-) Now, it's swim fluke in shad color, trigged with a 1/8oz bullet weight. or same but a green lizard.
  3. Hi Gang! So last weekend I was fishing for snakeheads in heavy vegetation and out of 12-15 hits on my frog I was able to set exactly zero hooks :-( and the times before that when I did set the hook the fish felt like it was overpowering my rig (MH/F 6'8" shimano rod). I'm thinking about getting a different rig for frogs/heavy cover, a Compre 6'8" Heavy Extra Fast action, and spooling 50lbs braid on a Curado. Do you think that's the right route to take? Thanks! M.
  4. Have you guys seen this: http://thesnakeheadhunters.com/
  5. Yea LMG has now seen the light and does C&R :-)
  6. +1 Captain! +++++1!
  7. I think I can, since we share the same sentiment... it's about not wanting to, in our opinion, unnecessarily kill them. They are a great game fish, and they don't appear to be having a negative impact on the ecosystem that people once believed they had. We enjoy catching them, AND RELEASING, for future enjoyment :-) HTH
  8. I was going to but now I'm not sure if I want to contribute to Snakehead extermination :-/
  9. yea i got no scale neither. i say we go by length, i think i have a soft tape measure at home, if not, i'll take pics of fish next to rod and measure the rod for a ball-park guestimates ;-) it's on! so we got till sunday night then?
  10. I'm in!!! Better yet, let's do 2 ournaments: Bass, Snakeheads :-) So how will this work, we all go out catch fish, measure, post pics and at the end of a month long tournament guy/gal with 2 largest (longest?) fish wins? Sound like fun!!! When is the official start of the tournament, and perhaps you should start a "Tournament Results" thread too! Whoo Hoo!!! It's on!!!
  11. For those of you who followed my "Canal Behind My House, Help!" thread here: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/112227-canal-behind-my-house-help/ I have an update!!! So I almost disregarded it as a viable fishing spot since I never really got a lot of bass there. BUT, my new found love for, gasp!, snakeheads has drawn me back to it today, since I remember seeing a lot of them in this tiny little canal in my back yard... so it rainded hard in S.FL. today, but around 7pm it started to ease off. I grabbed my rod (Compre with Curado, 50lbs Braid, hollow body frog rig) and headed out. I walked to one end of it and started casting... 20 minutes later, nothing. So I started heading back home. I walked past 2 snakeheads and spooked one. I slowly backed away 10 yards or so and threw my frog right over the spot where they were... BAM!!!!! Fish on! Fish on! I pulled my first fish of the evening! I was pumped! So I walked further in a direction of house I never fished around. As I'm slowly walking scouting the water, I see a patch of sunk green vegetation with another snakehead sitting right on top of it! I back out again, slowly. Cast. Nothing. Cast again. Nothing. I though I spooked it. But I try again... BAM!!!!! Another snakehead on the hook!!! At this point I'm giggling like a little girl!!!! I love snakehead fishing and I just found a spot loaded with them... IN MY BACK YARD!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I'm pumped! See pics of the fish, canal, and what they did to my frog hooks! 50lbs line held up, hooks not so much! Enjoy! M.
  12. i have both, and will say that if you can afford it go with Chronarch. it's a sweeeeeeeeet reel, but also so is curado :-) my friend has 50 or 100 size chronarch, not sure, but it feels a bit nicer in had i think, not sure about casting distance, ask LgMouthGambler... M.
  13. UPDATE! Looks like i've been resurrecting some old threads lately :-) Anyways, so the water levels improved a lot recently, and also few days ago I saw people on a boat that were cleaning the canal (FL state workers I guess?) and appeared to also have removed some of the vegetation... which turned the water black and caused it to stink to high heaven for about a week, like rotten eggs (and it was bubbling too, like something fermenting on the bottom). Anyways, the smell eased off lately, so I decided to take a walk and throw some hollow body frogs... the result: well I didn't hook anything, but had 2 snakeheads attack it! I didn't see the fish, but judging by the distance from the canal's edge (super close, within inches) and the aggressiveness of the strike (second strike sent my poor little frog flying 10 inches into the air) i'm guessing snakeheads for sure! this is great news to me since I love catching those things! The second strike I had was awesome! Since the canal is so narrow, I would cast the frog at a 45* angle across the other side and land it on the grass. Then I pop it and make the frog jump into the water and a second later I start twitching it. Within a second or two of it landing in the water it got HIT HARD! It literally jumped out of the water! Stupid fish :-P Anyways, next time I fish there I'll take the camera with me, will update this thread with pics of water level and hopefully some fish too :-)
  14. what i mean is I refuse to kill them unless I plan on eating them :-) they don't bother me!
  15. To resurrect an old thread... ...I've started bass fishing last year, and did catch snakeheads too. I for one am glad they're here and refuse to kill them! Comparing to bass, they are in my opinion way more fun to fish for and catch! The top water action, the strikes, and the fight the fish puts up is simply incredible and second to none in fresh waters here in S.FL. Not that bass isn't fun to catch, but once you see a snakehead hit your topwater frog and almost drag you into the water as it's fighting, you'll too be hooked! Awesome game fish! And great tasting too ;-)
  16. Last few outing I've really enjoyed using hollow body frogs. KVD and Booyah both produced bass and snakeheads! I love topwater action :-)
  17. PM sent ;-) Ah what the heck... Coral Springs, around Lakeview canals :-)
  18. And more pics of the larger of the two snakehead I got today!
  19. So I went out with LgMouthGambler on his new titanic of a boat :-D and we had a blast! Been on the water from 8am till 3pm and we were killing them!!! Well, he was, I only got 3, but check out the pics, some large snakeheads! One we clocked at around 8lbs and boy did it put up a fight!!! Boating is awesome on FL canals!!! M.
  20. Booyah and Strike King KVD or something...
  21. 50 lbs braid. 6'8" MH/F Compre rod with Curado reel. Drag set not too tight but not too light either. it will go if I pull hard. palomar know of course. the line was cut clean! i got some 6" steel leaders and clopped the swivel on one end. i'll tie braid directly to the loop end of leader and attach frog on the other end with a clip that's on it. leader is rated 40lbs. stay tuned...
  22. that's pricey at $3000 :-) i could get a nice boat for that LOL how about Hobie Mirage Revolution 13? it's half the weight...
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