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Everything posted by CountBassula

  1. yea yea, just because you pulled that 7lbs one 2 days ago while i was catching fry don't mean they're ALL here now :-P
  2. I think fstr385 beat us all again :-/ As for me, I didn't catch anything worth showing, unless of course I wanted my 5 fish total length to be around 30 inches that is :-P
  3. I got into bass fishing in October-November of last year, and this is my first summer doing it. When do things pick up again? When do the big ones return? I can still fish for bass and catch them, but they will all be juveniles... M.
  4. Hi Gang! So it's been getting hot down here in S.FL. lately and I've noticed that all my big bass are gone from all my sweet spots! What's up with that?!? Places that produced 4,5,6,7 lbs fish now produce nothing but 1-2lbs smallies! Is this the weather doing this and will things improve once the water temps drop some? Now, the snakeheads around here are only getting BIGGER!!! M.
  5. Why?! Imagine the fight they put up! LgMouthGambler and I fished a new spot today, he pulled 2 that were about 7-8lbs, maybe more. Some dude got really upset when we told him we're putting it back instead of killing it, LOLZ!!!
  6. it's an interesting adaptation meant to confuse a predator and have him strike at the tail, making it sometimes easier for the fish to get away and live to see another day :-) also, some fish will have stripes running along the body and the eye too, to conceal it's location, aka location of the weak spot.
  7. Yep, too dark and not enough green for a peacock. If you have Facebook, check out this guy, he's in Miami and specializes in catching them: https://www.facebook.com/UrbanAnglerMiami?ref=stream
  8. OK NP! I'm baby sitting tomorrow night, but I'm free for the rest of the week, and will be going fishing Tuesday evening around 6pm. Let me know when you're game and we can hang out, I'll show you some spots, my secret baits and techniques ;-)
  9. When I see you say noon, and skunked, I'm not surprised. In my opinion you're not going to catch much in terms of LMB at high noon in this heat (it was hot as hell yesterday) and zero overcast (there were no clouds over coral springs). I went out yesterday at 6pm and fished till 8:30pm. I got 15 or so bass and 2 snakeheads, all on lizards and brush hogs :-) you're lucky to have peacock bass where you are, ever since i saw how beautiful they are i wanted to catch one but don't feel like driving south, and i don't think there are any in Coral Springs :-( Anyways, i'm on vacation till the end of the month and go fishing almost every evening starting around 6pm. if you feel like driving up few miles I can take you to some spots that usually produce good for me :-) oh yea, i'll be testing a new spot tomorrow (have guests coming over at 4pm to day so no fishing, booo!) near middle school down the street, let me know if you're game! M.
  10. Strange guys... I've been catching them left and right in Coral Springs last couple of days (I'm on a stay at home vacation till the end of the month since my mom is visiting from Poland so I'm fishing every day) except they are ALL dinks!!! Well, there were a few that were maybe 2+lbs and 17-18 inches but nothing worth bringing here given fstr385's current counts :-( Also, today I went to a new spot in Coral Springs, and found this system of few canals that was loaded with bass! Must have pulled 15 in 2 hours, and then I found this tiny off shoot canal that way maybe 75 yards and very shallow... can you say Snakehead Lair!!!!!!! I hooked 2 in 2 casts! And then walked further into the canal (a dead end canal) and in a very shallow water I saw 5 or 6 more, problem was they spooked when they saw me. But hey, at least I have a guaranteed-to-catch-a-snakehead-spot if I ever feel down and lonely ;-) BTW, I hear that post spawn you'll be mostly catching small bass, is this the case now in S. FL.? All I've been getting lately are small bass.
  11. Well, I did get 5 bass today and 2 snakeheads, didn't bother taking the photos, they were all dings! Well, one was worthy of this thread, but he got off the hook just as I was bringing it on shore, I cried cried cried like a little girl
  12. Even when I'm trying to catch bass (using swim flukes, brush hogs, and lizards) I still catch snakeheads!!! Agrrr!!!
  13. good question, i usually have some luck between 6-8am when i'm on a boat with LgMouthGambler working the canals in coral springs. now it's 5:40pm, i'm about to go fishing, but i'm still waiting a bit.. the canal where i'm about to go to is 2 block from me, but i know that anything before 7pm will be an exercise in futility and casting, nothing else. i've noticed that where i fish around my house, the bite is most active between 7pm-7:30/45pm... unless I'm after snakeheads, then it don't matter, the brighter the better :-) last 5-6lbs snakehead i caught few days ago at 1:30pm in the worse possible FL heat and sun, on a top water Booyah Jr. frog.
  14. I went to a new spot today in coral springs, it was loaded with bass, but except one, they were all rather small, 12-14 inches. didn't bother to take photos... BUT i have a new swim lure that worked wonders for me today, so i'll try it soon on my honey hole :-)
  15. well, you could take I75 north a bit to where it turns into Sawgrass Expressway and right before it turns East, there's a canal that runs along it on the west side, guaranteed to catch a fish there. Also, if you don't mind driving up a bit north to Coral Springs, I can show you some spots in my town that always produce.
  16. where do you live now? what town???
  17. i think i get a booster shot for it too next time i get a sinus infection (ever 3 months on average :-( ) and have to see my doc.
  18. i was refering to an Amoeba infection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amoeba
  19. Lucky use, I worked in forensic data recovery for YEARS... But first I have to ask some basic questions: Can you play the videos ON THE CAMERA that recorded them? Can you copy the entire files to a computer? (If yes, then the SD cards are probably OK, hardware failure would stop you dead in your tracks when copying using a regular Windows/Mac copy procedures). If YES to first 2, then the problem is probably with your computer missing a codec to decode the files. === I just read that you don't have the cameras, or can't play on them. Hmmm, if you can pull the files off of cards, then try this: make another short video, few seconds, and try offloading and playing on their software. Report back with results. P.S. Would also be helpful if you could send me a sample file that you think is corrupted...
  20. One other thing to put things in perspective... I've eaten snakehead and bass caught from S.FL. canals that run near highways, houses, and God knows what else. Water was dirty as dirt, and I'm still fine :-) I think it would be relatively safe to eat ONE and wait a few weeks...
  21. Parasites are not really an issue if you prep the fish right. Heavy metal and other chemical content would be a risk. I'm not sure how and how much $$$ for having a sample of water tested...
  22. I would watch out for a major headache in the first 48 hours since the incident. it may be the only sign of a deadly brain infection that will kill you about 10-12 days later without any other sympthomes. And if you get a fever head straight to a doc as well. The other day I got snakehead blood and water from canal sprayed DIRECTLY into my eye, and couldn't rinse it for hours. Some feared that the zombie apocalypse would start with me, but i'm still here and kicking a month or so later ;-)
  23. 1/8oz weight + zoom swim fluke shad color on a 5/0 EWG hook :-) the closer to the bank's edge, the better :-) same with frogs, work them 1-2 ft from the water's edge. Good luck!
  24. Hey Diggy, I will tell you my little secret of how to catch a snakeheads guarding their young: I did this few months ago and it worked like a charm... I was standing on the edge of a canal casting my swim fluke with 1/8oz weight on the line along the bank to catch some bass. i look down and i see a swarm of really tiny black dots moving together, figured it was some bugs or something. as i'm standing there motionless just staring at it, i suddenly see 2 snakeheads come up really close to it, i figured they're about to eat it, but instead they just looked at it. that's when it hit me: it was the baby snakeheads. so i slowly moved my rod over the snakeheads, lower my fluke into the water, and run it through the fry. nothing. i even managed to spook the parents, but 20 seconds later they were back. so i figured i have to really annoy one of the parents, so i literally started to move the fluke right in front of it's mouth, touching the fish's mouth and head! i bumped the fluke off its head few times even, then i brought it right in front of it's mouth, wiggled it few more times and it hit it mad and got hooked! the only problem was that i was using 12lbs mono, and as soon as the fish went under the rocky canal's edge, the line snapped. the other day i saw 2 separate schools of snakehead fry in my little canal and parents near it, running a top water frog through it didn't do anything, so i'm sure the trick is to get past the fry and in the parent's face. they will not mind you standing there, one will strike instinctively! try it! good luck!
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