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Everything posted by livetofish28

  1. I have no problems fishing the EWG hooks 1/0 or 2/0 Tight lines Andrew
  2. I got both of my St Croix LTBs for under 200 a piece and that right there is an absolute awesome stick tight lines Andrew
  3. WD-40 tight lines Andrew
  4. I fish all of mine on my crankbait stick works really well and keeps fish buttoned up better tight lines Andrew
  5. Well that just sucks lol tight lines Andrew
  6. Walmart had an awesome deal with 1/4 oz strike king tour grade for a buck if thats not a steal then i dont know what is. It was all red and shiny, but i still catch plenty of fish. tight lines Andrew
  7. If your losing baits that much I have two for you Lure Retriever lol tight lines Andrew
  8. You don't have to fish the rage rig with rage tail products. I texas rig 95% of the time for rage rigging i use mustad power lock plus with the adjustable weight tight lines Andrew
  9. Hard baits in general love to fish hard baits love them. followed closely by plastics have so many but so few lol tight lines Andrew
  10. this lol works well tight lines Andrew
  11. Mega strike e2 shaky head is what you are going to get told the most especially by Roadwarrior he swears by them things get a pack in 1/4 and 1/8 and you will be set for most water types the deeper you fish the heavier you may want to fish but those two weights will cover you just fine. You can thank us all later tight lines Andrew
  12. Thank you I will keep that in mind I will be fishing at night and have a cousin who will be helping me out with the landing portion. I hope to have a good time and will also be fishing for whatever else will bite during the day. Tight lines Andrew
  13. It depends on location and what you personally think of a big fish as. In VA a 5# bass is a big fish with anything bigger getting into the awesome fish category with 8# plus being HAWG category a couple weeks back when i was in NY I caught one that was larger than 7# and knew that that was a down right awesome fish. It just depends where you are at tight lines Andrew
  14. Any tips to Shark fish from the Beach? I have a rod and reel big enough for it but and am curious on to how to make a rig for them. I'm going to be targeting 3-6 foot range any help would be appreciated tight lines Andrew
  15. If you saw the speed I crank that reel you wouldn't be so surprised lol tight lines Andrew
  16. I crank extremely fast normally so I use a slower ratio to force myself to slow my presentation down when fishing moving baits. I fish squarebills with a 5:2:1 and deep cranks with a 4:7:1 tight lines Andrew
  17. There was a thread about it a little while ago posted by Nitrofreak. it had a couple pics and stuff in it tight lines Andrew
  18. I use the BPS version. they work great Tight lines Andrew
  19. 3.5# popper pic somewhere but cant find it. Dont fish it much anymore unless wading river for smallies that have never seen or been caught by a person before tight lines Andrew
  20. Use more money lol anyway it is probably those pesky sunfish that's three inches long.....then again the next cast yields a slab sized sunny where it came from I have no idea . but from my experience where there's bait there's bass and if there's big bait then there is big bass lol. O ya if there are "unknown" fish hitting a topwater throw a senko where it was being messed with you generally get bit by the blue gill or get bit by the big bass feeding on said blue gill. Hence what happened to me this week Tight Lines Andrew
  21. St Croix Avid 7' m moderate 40# power pro no leader Bps pq 5:2:1 either Storm Arashi in chartreuse Craw(fav bait) or Kvd 1.5 to 2.5 heaviest cover i can find tight lines Andrew
  22. What rod are you using? other than that it happens tight lines Andrew
  23. X2 tight lines Andrew
  24. All the time. Every rod i own has power pro on it tight lines Andrew
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