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Everything posted by livetofish28

  1. At that price the answer is yes tight lines Andrew
  2. savage gear line through trout. That bait is insane. I made a really long cast with it before my friend had seen it and swam it by him and he thought it was real tight lines Andrew
  3. St croix mojo bass with a Lew's tournament mg or buy 2 PQ for100 bucks and 2 mojo bass if you can find a deal Tight lines Andrew
  4. Alligator haha bass will typically blow the living crap out of it (in my experience) and you would have seen something lol Tight lines Andrew
  5. December 2013 I witnessed the biggest bass I have ever seen (looked to be over 10lbs it dwarfed my 8#) blow up out of the water and grab an adult duck that was swimming about 10 ft from me while I was catfishing darn thing landed on my line that was out haha. It was down right insane Tight lines Andrew
  6. I would not throw the Hudson on that Rod. Mine throws a savage gear line through trout a good ways Tight lines Andrew
  7. We are planning on going out Saturday as we both have school tomorrow, he recommended a pair of waders which I have from my fly fishing roots and I always dress warm even when I am on my boat. It does so happen to be said lake and I was bringing 3 Rods which are all under 7 foot which will cover the two primary techinques blades and drop shot. Let me know how you do tomorrow if you don't mind and I meant to stop by and talk with you at the richmond expo. Tight lines Andrew
  8. Paddling lol I'm going out on a power plant lake that I have fished from my bass boat so I'm really looking forward to a new perspective, and also what should I wear? My gortex rain gear? And obviously my PFD
  9. I chuck a savage gear 8 inch trout on a lews super duty and that's 3+ ozs and you still have a reel capable of being used with other techniques Tight lines Andrew
  10. So I may be kayak fishing for the first time this weekend with a friend and I was wondering what to expect. I typically fish from my bass boat so being so low is going to be a change of perspective. what should I expect? what to bring? Other things I'm missing out? Hoping some of you kayak vets can offer some pointers Tight lines Andrew
  11. I tie it so when the lure is on the keeper the knot is outside of the tip of the rod so as not to crimp the line and weaken it tight lines Andew
  13. I don't have an addiction!!! What are you talking about?!?!? Short answer is no haha never enough tight lines Andrew
  14. Yup I do in fact schools of bait dive and dart all the time. Some people even yo-yo A-rigs for this reason. There are guys who drag A-rigs along the bottom. There is more to fishing the rig than just cast reel and repeat. I am finished discussing this topic. Andrew
  15. i use REM oil on my bearings and a waterproof grease on the gears the drag stays dry. tight lines Andrew
  16. Put a hooked bait on the back wire and then a hooked bait on the bottom one and then cut the hooks off of the jig hooks on the rest of the baits so you still have the profile with only 2 hooks so it is legal tight lines Andrew
  17. NAA they don't work at all they are just a total waste of money Others will chime in lol Tight lines Andrew
  18. Well considering that filling your bag in 4 to 5 casts is not uncommon when you get into a school of fish that are biting. I have limited out on a dropshot in a few casts. Is that cheating? I thew the A-rig on the last trip i made quite a bit in schooling fish and didn't catch a thing on it and another member on this forum can verify that as he was on the boat with me. It takes skill with any bait to catch fish. I have caught fish when adjusting the cadence of a A-rig adding pauses or snaps of the rod tip. IF you don't like the rig fine more for me to fish. you do your thing I will do mine. RANT OVER!!! tight lines Andrew
  19. What is the Rod? Action? My swimbait stick can't even load with a frog but will hurl a 1 1/2 oz football Tight lines Andrew
  20. Well one thing I know with st croix is they know how to make a Rod with a good backbone. What is the taper of the rod? I know that my st croix ml xfast Dropshot Rod and it has caught plenty of big fish and has the power to turn striper mid run. So I can't imagine that that the light version wouldn't have much of a backbone Tight lines Andrew
  21. YES!!!! They work wonders shallow and deep. Tight lines Andrew
  22. I've seen doubles on a crankbait and a triple on a jerkbait I've caught two bass one time fishing a Dropshot with a jig as the weight it is just another bait. it takes time to learn just like any other bait Tight lines Andrew
  23. The correct answer to that answer is yes seaguar, sunline etc they all make a decent line Tight lines Andrew
  24. I can sum up what will be said. Don't go cheap with fluoro or you will regret it. A lot of guys love the seaguar tatsu. I've fever fished it as I use braid mostly. Seaguar invisix is probably one of best handling lines on the market. Sunline makes a good flouro. I was pleased with the trilene 100% and didn't seem to find any major flaws to it. Most spools by the bigger brands in the 20+ price range are pretty good lines. Others will chime in im sure. Tight lines Andrew
  25. Dropshot and shaky head are 2 baits I definetly recomend you learn Tight lines Andrew
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