I have had the Abu Garcia Revo sx 30 for over a year now and have finally come to the conclusion that this reel will handle any bass you may come across. This reel is extremely sturdy feeling and is very smooth but connected at well. It handles braid exceptionally well and even the spinning reels nightmare fluorocarbon is not a problem for the reel. The drag is the most impressive thing on this reel. Yesterday while fishing a small lipless crankbait I hooked up with a 15 pound carp that made 8 runs that averaged about 5-6 seconds each and this reel handled them flawlessly the start up was smooth and there was no jolting by the reel as the fish made it's run. This is an exceptional reel and I would recommend this reel to anyone looking for a spinning reel in the 150 to 200 dollar price range.
Tight lines