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Everything posted by Mr_Scrogg

  1. Might wanna put this up on the FS forum under the "Pay It Forward". Some kayak guys might jump on it.
  2. Fished a South Central Kansas Sand Pit yesterday. So you can guess how it was LOADED with a plethora of underwater features. Super Clear Water. Had the SI Sensitivity up to 12. Si Enhance at Default Chart Speed at 2 Stock version 6.25 probably had the sensitivity up a bit high. Some strong returns on the bank side. Didn't catch any on the baitfish. Ended up hooking into 8 bass all on a Jerkbait. My middle finger with one point, past the barb... OUCH, and my Lab Puppy stepped on one and got a toe.
  3. I used Full Carbon Aquabound Stingray, and a Small Shaft Stingray Hybrid. Both 240 in length. The Small Shaft was used by my wife, smaller hands it was more comfortable for her. The difference betwrrn the regular shaft full carbon and small shaft hybrid was 1.5 oz I think.
  4. First pic I say someone stole Touchdown Jesus from Notre Dame. Lol
  5. I didnt get to prefish Melvern this year... but Im going to the local smallie lake to try and get a bead on temps, congregation points, tactics.
  6. Sheesh!!!! Good thimg Ill be in Chris boat!!! My tin wpuld get shoved EVERYWHERE!!
  7. Well hopefully things will be better next weekend!!!
  8. I burned twice as much gas trying to drive into the wind coming back from son's bowling tourney in Topeka!!!!
  9. Slop, shallow, vegetation .... Frogs!!!
  10. Lake Jocassee in the Blue Ridge Moutains of SC. Beautiful, clear water mountain lake.
  11. Love the leap frogging at McPherson!!! Ontop of that the catfishing at the feeders makes it an obstacle course!!
  12. Before that wasnt it a Georgia Bass??
  13. Bills :-( d**n life getting in the way.
  14. Does he have a bikini photo shoot?
  15. Man!!! Thats a big dog!!!
  16. When bank fishing he likes to explore. But, if he a bit too far for my liking, I give the recall and he comes running.
  17. He's a full lab. But when he gets wet, like that pic was took after a bath, his hair gets curls to it. Craziest thing. He's done well with training. Crate trained, house broke, recall training.
  18. I might fish a little with his first trip, but probably just riding around.
  19. Turned into this pain in the butt!! 51lbs and 19wks old Loves bank fishing... yet to get out in the boat
  20. Only a thousand or so in the state.... 400 within 2 hours of KC. Lol
  21. McPherson SFL, and Butler are great lakes. They have been rated at the top in KS for a while. Size and numbers.
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