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Everything posted by trueblue1970

  1. Congrats Mike..great job! Do you know if they are drawing down this year?
  2. FYI Gander Mountain is selling their 6"6" Vortex rods, baitcaster and spinning, for only $14.99 down from $59.99. I picked up 2 in the store yesterday and order 2 more online (free shipping over $50.00)
  3. See that bass I am holding? Guess where I caught it? Mike above nailed it... FYI the gators get big in there. Good luck
  4. I also live in Florida and any pond around here holds fish, large or small.
  5. I love my Sahara's and Sadona's. Today I picked up the GSX Titanium rod and reel combo for $79.00 at Gander...great deal.
  6. I lived up in the area up until about 4 years ago. I will ask around and let you know. I miss NEPA!
  7. Im in NE Florida and ive been doing well with the fluke and chatterbaits. Been catching them as well on zoom tequila sunrise t rigged and when I wacky rig a senko.
  8. When I first looked at the pic I thought it was Florida...
  9. Thanks for the heads up...ordered enough for free shipping
  10. love fishing Rodman. Good luck and let us know how you do. Im having a friend visit in December and plan on fishing there
  11. Texas rig...havent used a C rig in years...
  12. Soft plastics, jigs and really been doing well with chatter baits
  13. I sold my 16' bass boat and went into an older 1542 mod V jon...the jon stores in my garage so no more $$$ for storage on the other boat. I fish the same spots, catch plenty of fish and can trailer my boat with a rope Dont get around as fast anymore, went from a 70hp to a 15hp, but I zip around the lake regardless.
  14. The past year i've carried a Ruger LC9. I like is so much I bought another for the mrs. Slim, shoots great, easy to conceal. (ret LE)
  15. Quality time with the GF! Sounds like you had a fun day....
  16. I had purchased (2) of the shock on sale for $15.00 each. I used them for specks, very happy with them
  17. I had that happen this past Sunday while fishing with my son. We were the only boat on a similar sized lake. Another guy put his boat in and scooted about 50 yards or less away for where we were fishing. Not to mention he and his lady promptly lit cigarettes killing my fresh cool air I was enjoying.
  18. Thats awesome..nice catch
  19. I own a frabil net but have yet to bring it with me. I lost a hog the other day fishing from a dock. I was unable to lip the fish and as I raised the fish and tried to get it up and over the rail, it fell off my line. The 1st thing out of my mouth was..should have brought the !*(*$@# NET. Been fishing 4x since and havent brought the net.
  20. id be curious as well as to how the bass would react after a bad storm.... +2 on the Florida comments re: as soon as the warm water cools a bit the bass start to strike. Man does the water get warm down here....
  21. Just wanted to say hello. What a GREAT site. Ive been reading and absorbing knowledge for the past week and I am very impressed. From NY, lived in PA and now living in Florida. Having fished everywhere Ive lived, Florida has become mecca for me as I am able to bass fish all year round and really get into it. With all the questions I have, I can find the answers right here. I can spend a lot of time reading on here thats for sure.....thanks in advance and look forward to becoming part of the crowd. -Mike
  22. No matter where I fish, PA, NY and Florida...the one plastic that has worked for me is the Zoom 6" Tequila Sunrise. I can go through everything in my bag, but not matter what.....that Zoom always saves the day.
  23. Hey im in Flagler County. And ive been fishing some local ponds. But for bigger lakes I head over to Dead Lake, Crescent Lake. Lake Oklwaha (near Rodman Res. is AMAZING fishing....amazing). Good to meet all of you northeast guys.
  24. Those are some nice bass you caught there....I never had that kind of luck. Ive fished the Roundout and cause alot of small mouths and really big trout. I remember years ago they listed land locked salmon as being in there...not sure if that is still the case. Very nice area. As for the catskills, my cousin and I would fish a nice little watershed off of 19, close enough to hear the westpoint shooting in the am, called Quuensboro. And this other lake called Turkey Hill. Ok now im rambling...miss upstate NY
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