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About CayMar

  • Birthday 02/12/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Eufaula, Chattahoochee River
  • Other Interests
    Camping ,golf, first person shooters (online), anything on the water. Spending time with my family.

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CayMar's Achievements

Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I'll stick to the old ball point. This is all way over my head.
  2. Yea this picture been all over Facebook today. I agree with you. I bet the extraction was excruciating. No way to flatten the barb. My first thought when I saw this was: How does someone go about doing this to themself?
  3. I always direct the question back. Does this make me look fat? Do you think it makes you look fat? Does this look stupid? Does it look stupid to you? Your a smart girl you can figure it out.
  4. Tomorrow's my anniversary Slonezp. How does this sound for the card? Happy Anniversary I can't believe your still here 5 years after what I had planned to be a one night stand. I love ya now get back to the kitchen!
  5. Its like a party. You invite 100 people so that if 10% show up you got 20 extra hands. Also do you ever help your buddies out? I keep a few favors stored up.for situations like this. I had to help a buddy move all his families stuff one day. It took us from 7 am to about 1130 pm. It sucks. Better luck next time pal. Chin up.
  6. Yea man congratulations. Nice fish. A five pounder is one of my goals as well.
  7. Man I live like 30 minutes from Lake Eufaula. You should have hit me up. It would be cool to fish with you sometime.
  8. 11 so far this year. Spent most of my time hybrid fishing. Caught 15 of those this year. They have been slow. Nothing over 3 pounds yet but I'm looking for that 5+ pounder every time I go out. I need you guys who are already in the hundreds to take me to school. Her is my best one this year.
  9. Those are nice man. Looks like a beautiful day out on the water.
  10. Yea that's a beautiful fish. Nice job man.
  11. CayMar


    Well there ya go. Myth Busted. Thanks Tomustang and jbsoonerfan.
  12. CayMar


    Nah I don't, I'm not planning on trying it. I was just wondering, if so many people who don't fish know about thos , is there really something to it?
  13. CayMar


    People, who don't fish mind you, are always telling me "You should put WD-40 on your lures, it has fish oil in it and will get you more bites". I was just wondering if anyone has tried this.
  14. Dude I cant really cook without instructions, but I am a professional hamburger meat browner.
  15. People who pass by throwing their trash in the ditch in front of my house, it drives me insane.
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