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Everything posted by Downeaster2010

  1. I tried to make numerous POP molds and none give me the worm I am looking for. So I decided to get some aluminum molds and the product is great, There is no way I will ever get back what I have put into the hobby, but I will have all the rubber lures I want when i fish. I plan on getting two more molds for injecting soon, and that will cost me over 200 dollars. That is a lot of lures and some of these discount stores.
  2. I have built a lot of rods for myself and sold quite a few. Building one for yourself you can actually have a better rod than you can purchase but you need a little knowledge of what is a quality blank, guides, reel seat, etc. It can be more expensive than if you went out an bought a good rod. But if you think you might want to build a set, or more than one then try it out. Subscribe to Cabelas rod building and get there catalog, and study up before making you choice on parts.
  3. To make things simple, I used to experiment with scents back in the 70's prior to a lot of scent makers. For one of my own concoctions, I used to buy a bottle of cod liver oil, the mix anise oil to it. All fish based, and it worked, but it stinks to me. Fish didn't seem to mind it. Now with all the different scents so available, I just add a half tablespoon of Kosher salt to the packages we buy. I mix the salt in well, and things work great. I no longer fish tournaments so don't mind giving secrets. Cheap, just like me.
  4. My guess is a large turtle, was going to have small turtle for dinner.
  5. I have a cheapo Garmin 250 b/w on my bow, and it is pretty good at showing depth. I would like to replace it one of the days with a good color Lowrance.
  6. I personally like Optima batteries, but for your sake don't put blue tops in your bass boat to run the trolling motor. If you want Optimas, make sure you have the deep cycle variety, as normal blue tops are for cranking only and have just a 24 battery siZe. I have had two of them, and am still using one as a crank battery. I have had it for over 10 years. Its co partner died about 4 years ago. You can certainly depend on long life with them as a crank battery. It's the only battery I know of that you can leave in the boat all winter through severe cold and it will start the boat in the spring. Not many do that.
  7. I have liked jigs for many years, but its important to know how to use them. I pour my own so make fishing them cheaper. Yesterday if fished a pond that had a rock pile down 25 ft that boaters pass over on a regular basis, an never realize it is there. I used a plain watermelon colored football jig without a skirt. I added a Netbait Paca Craw the same color. I pulled in a couple nice 5 lb LM off that rock pile. It is different getting used to fishing deep rocks and moving the jig just inches at a time. Don't give up on them.
  8. I have been fishing jigs for more than 30 years for bass. Like many others early on I was reluctant to throw a jig in heavy cover for fear of losing it. I solved that problem when I bought molds and started to pour off my own, and learning how to tie the skirts on. Mixing colors of skirts to the time of year whether it be spring or fall. I keep up to 50 jigs on the boat at all time. Now jigs are an acceptable loss. Just tie another one on. The same thing with Senko's. I bought a mold last year pour my own mixing colors etc. It much more affordable to create your own. I also love aT-Rig worm, and rarely fish a crank bait.
  9. You will love the Tacoma, for all but towing. Still a very nice vehicle.
  10. The one thing I know is I will never run out ot the orings. Now and then I can even give 500 to a friend if I want. It doesn't matter I only have a total of 10 bucks invested, and they work great.
  11. A whole lot better than I did.
  12. A few months back I went to one of the salvage stores in my area of Maine (Mardins) and purchased 3000 rubber bands to be used as the oring on the Senko's. I was unsure they would work so kept the oring purchase small. Mardins had these for sale at $1.00 per thousand. Since then I have been using them full time. They are made for braiding a horses tail or main and are larger than the orings we normally would use. I just twist them on the helper that puts the ring on the worm, and its works just fine. Today I was back there, and talked to several people, and the first two said we no longer have them. The third person said I think there are still some of them up stairs. Sure enough there were still a lot of them, and I bought 7000 more. Total cost 7 bucks. They are still cheaper than the orings we use from a fishing supply place. These are called Kays rubber bands size medium, and size code 205, with 500 in a plastic box. Walmarts used to carry them, but with a little digging you might find them around your town. Also look for them around places that sell horse equipment. t
  13. Most trucks are not very economical towing but most full size trucks do a good job of it. I have a 2007 Tundra limited model. I bought it a year and a half ago. It had 40K miles on it and is in mint condition. Everyone told me that it is the best truck period, and i would find that out when I drove one. I expected it would be good, but not as good as it turned out to be. These full size Tundras will pull just about anything, and the power is amazing. My two best buddies have since driving mine, both purchased a quality used Tundra. They are all sweet. Towing packages and transmissions coolers, etc are all standard on most models. I will never change again.
  14. Again, before you assume the motor has a serious problem,, pull your prop off and see if fishing line may be wrapped around the shaft and seal, causing an oil leak, and letting water into the lower unit. If so make sure you get all the old fishing line out. On examination the oil in the LU will have a white milky look to it. If so it needs to be replaced,
  15. Most of the time we somehow manage to run over some old fishing line in the water, and it will wind in and around you propeller shaft hence the seal. Pull your prop off and check that first. check the seal and replace oil in lower unit.
  16. I have another idea that might be a simpler cure for the problem. Why not try some plumbers pipe thread tape to see if that helps before you use the blue loctite. I bet it would.
  17. Absolutely. I have been sea sick many times in my life, and it is horrible. Many people like to say they have never been sea sick. Well, all I can say to that is they have never experienced severe weather conditions, and cooped up inside a stinking smelly puked filled vessel. When one person loses it and pukes inside, he or she is incapable of cleaning it up, and that leave the odor to roam around a ship or small vessel. That odor can trigger the puke sensation, that one is trying to overcome. I have spent many days at sea without being sick, but when you do get sick in severe conditions, nothing is worse.
  18. I have been to one of those in coastal Florida, and found it centered around saltwater and was disappointed.
  19. many times if you are fishing docks correctly you will become hung up on something under the dock, and lose you rig. You are not fishing correctly if you do not lose some. Everyones docks are set up differently, with rope or chain, and they have occasion to grab a lure. Another thing is water clarity making retrieval of some baits difficult. I always try to get my lure back like most anglers, but sometimes it isn't going to happen. Fishing behind a boater isn't always difficult, as he has to control the TM, as well as fish, All the non=boater has to concern themselves with is making the best cast they can to a part of the dock the boater has not attempted yet.
  20. I think he should be denied a fishing license nationwide forever.
  21. To my knowledge most of the bass released anywhere in the lake body return to there favorite area within days.
  22. I agree with both cell phone and stereo on a boat. I have a 172 G3 Angler aluminum boat, that I use for salmon trolling, as well as bass fishing. I carry a cell phone for emergency use only, and use the stereo most of the time, turned down low to cut some of the boredom, while fish aren't biting. Most of the time, I have it on talk radio, and it has no effect on fishing. I wouldn't use it if I had someone else in the boat bass fishing.
  23. Warranty will not cover it but some insurance companies will or will not. I have had to fight with some of them over the same thing. Afterward, I always had a local company.
  24. I had a long shaft motor and a short shaft boat years ago. All short shaft transom's were considered unsafe and that is why boat manufacturers made 20 inch transoms, and got away from 15 inch versions. I raised my transom up 5 inches to accomodate the long shaft motor and at the same time, made my boat safer. Short 15 inch transoms were common back in the 50"s
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