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  1. Thanks guys for the info, I was able to get the swimbait lot for $60, 7 hudds and 3 Castaic, seemed too good of an offer to pass.
  2. I actually live not too far from lake Wissota, and when you mean dells, do you mean dells pond? I fish alot at dells pond which is in Eau claire.
  3. Okay thanks! And I've just got into swimbaits, well bass swimbaits, I used to throw 1lb musky bull dawg swimbaits but quit due to an injury. But yes, I will try them out.
  4. 1 68 Special Shad ROF 54 ROF 12, Shad and Two Trout; juvenile and adult 1 ROF 5 Shad 1 Weedless Perch
  5. I know alot of anglers use trout swimbaits in the southern and eastern states and are successful, but will they work for the mid west states like wisconsin? I have some i bought only because it was a really good deal and couldn't resist.
  6. Oh okay nice, I was super worried the size would affect the fishing, as in nothing would bite, but if they have proven to work then I guess it wasn't a waste after all. And I do occasionally go for walleyes so the smaller x raps may be better. But thanks for all the input, I appreciate it
  7. Scroll down on the ebay Page to see the lures
  8. So I just bought 7 x raps for $30 free shipping off ebay but realized too late they were only 2 1/2 inches long. Now I'm going INSANE realizing they may be too small. But would they work better or the same as longer versions of the lures? http://www.ebay.com/itm/251173484750?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2648
  9. Yeah I'm sorry I don't have any pictures nor find any online. It seems to be a rare lure. But it's resembles a bass, blue color and the only distinctive detail is it had a signature on it, perhaps by the producer.
  10. About two years ago I owned a blue jointed bass lure that had a signature on it. The blue jointed lure was relatively small and was an imitation of a bass. The lure used to be sold at scheels for $20 but now I can no longer find it. I am VERY desperate in finding out its brand name, please help!!!!!!
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