Hi,I’m Ryan. I am 21 years old ,I have been coming to this site for videos and tips for a while now ,and I read some of the forums and figured i would sign up. Looks like a lot of cool ,nice people here .I have been fishing for pretty much my whole life now ,my dad got me into it he is a boat mechanic so i am always around boats and fishing .We used to fish on the weekends and that was about it .I used to race motocross so a couple years ago we sold are boat because if you know motocross it isn't cheap lol .About two years ago i had enough of motocross and started getting into fishing a lot more .It started growing on me ,i was following all of the tournaments and was fishing all the time . I started playing fantasy fishing. I ended up winning the flw Kentucky lake tournament ,this just made me want to fish more lol .Now I'm just looking forward to having a new boat next year and fish as many days and tournaments i possibly can. Looking forward to meeting some new people that share the same passion as i do.