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Everything posted by CPBassFishing

  1. No big fish in the pond. It is just full of small bass from 3/4 pound to 1.5 pounds. I wish......
  2. It's just a genetic variation, more melanin that is usual in that area. I have caught several bass like that before.
  3. I'd love to fish with Gerald Swindle. Site members- Speedbead, Big O, JFrancho, & Glenn
  4. Lesson of the story....... never use anything short of 50lb braid for frog fishing. Sorry to hear about that. What line were you using?
  5. Try a livetarget 45T or a spro baby popping frog. Small mouths mean smaller baits.
  6. I use the 4.5 and 6" exclusively for shaky head fishing. The softness creates unmatched action. Black grape is my go-to color, the 4.5 goes on an 1/8 oz megstrike shake2 and the 6" on a 1/4 oz.
  7. whaaaaaaaaaatttt did I just watch? This little girl is screaming a metal song she and her brother wrote called "Zombie Skin" on america's got talent. I had to share this craziness with you guys.
  8. You tie a dog toy to your rod and play fetch by casting and reeling as fast as you can.
  9. Well, I haven't experienced any paranormal activities, but my mom has on april 1st! I own a universal TV remote...... let's just say I played a little harmless prank on her from the top of the stairs.
  10. Spit on it? If that fails, spread the skirt band with needlenose pliers and put it on the hub.
  11. I can't see them tasting very good out of a golf course pond with fertilizer runoff. As much as I love a good fish fry I'll pass on the cancer.
  12. 5 in the past 2 weeks fishing with bass lures. I can't imagine how many I'd catch on nightcrawlers. Got pics of 3 of them. Caught on a tube: And another on a tube: Buzzbait, seriously? I caught another one on a 4" fluke and another on a jitterbug. These crazy things fight harder than a bass of the same size and are twice as aggressive. When they hit, they thump it hard. Pretty fish.
  13. For punching, I use a heavy action rod, 65lb braid, with a tungsten weight ranging from 1 to 1.5 oz. I peg the weight with a 6th sense bobber stop. These work the best for me. Following the weight is a 4/0 gamakastu heavy cover flipping hook. The stock keeper is junk so I cut it off and solder the keeper directly to the hook. The only bait I punch with is a powerteam lures bully grass devil. It slides through the mats easily, lasts 5-6 fish, and gets great hookups. Here's a pic of it. Also, if I am targeting larger fish I add a punch skirt between the weight and the hook.
  14. Shane and Speed are already being very generous. Quit begging for table scraps and let whoever guesses win the baits.
  15. Wow, I thought I had nailed it by guessing your PB weight (7-9) but I guess I was wrong.
  16. Caught and snagged are two completely different things.
  17. $15 bass pro shops Z9R Perch swimbait. Broke off on 20lb braid when I let my friend throw it on his rod. I didn't really care because I never caught anything on it and the swimming action was so unrealistic.
  18. Big shakey head (1/2 oz head, 7-10" worm) Football jig (3/4 oz) 6XD
  19. Using barbless hooks is just begging to lose half your fish...... why would you do this in an effort to make a hole half the size of when the hook with the barb is half a millimeter?
  20. I catch em all them time on livetarget frogs. Caught 2 this morning.
  21. I agree with your sentence about keeping tightness and slack in your line at the same time. Fluorocarbon really helps me with this because of its slack line sensitivity. I keep enough slack so I can feel the fish but it does not feel me. Great post Catt.
  22. when I first go to the site I get a mobile version, then I click go to full site. When uploading pictures I start a post then click "more reply options" in the bottom right corner of the text box. This lets me upload pictures. Not sure about "my content".
  23. 2 minute bike ride to the end of my street pond. 7 minute bike ride to another pond next to a community pool. 15 minute bike ride to my favorite gold course pond.
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