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Everything posted by jsc4324

  1. I have bought numerous spools of yo zuri hybrid no problems at all with the line. That being said no idea if it was old or new but has not let me down yet.
  2. That setup will be fine for those techniques. Personally I would go up to 12 lb yo zuri but that's just me. Buy basic colors for jigs like black/blue and green pumpkin and match your trailers. Start there and expand your collection once you get the hang of jig fishing.
  3. I'm confused. So you have a 6:2 or 5:1 reel? Spinning or casting ? What type of fishing so you like to do? Senkos jigs spinnerbait etc etc. That will help get you some better advice.
  4. Check the tension on The worm gear cap. If that doesn't by correct it send it back to abu. They will make it right. Awesome customer service.
  5. Get some Dude wipes instead of using the shirt. Cheap compact and do the job.
  6. I have never tried the nucanoe 10 But own the frontier 12 and love it. Super supet stable endless rigging options and multiple seat options. I can stand and fish easily without ever feeling like it will tip. It is not the fastest paddling kayak but that is one thing you sacrifice with the width for the level of stability. If you can manage it I would recommend the 12 ft model regardless which model you choose. You would be surprised how much room your gear can take up. I don't think I could be comfortable in the 10 ft model. I think it would be a bit cramped.
  7. Also try adjusting your drag back a bit. If you have sharp hooks you should not have to rip them clear out of the water on the hook set.
  8. ^. This. I use a binder for plastics and the crate keeps everything organized
  9. Try removing the spool from the reel to tie the knot, it gives you more room to work. Arbor knots work fine and so does the uni knot.
  10. X2 ^. Not to many places on epping that I can think of anyway that I would fish a jig with. The smaller fish don't typically take a larger jig. Sure occasionally they do but from my experience it's rare. Where were you fishing? Try just the rage craw like Shane said. You might be surprised. When the water warms up a bit the jig bite will be better.
  11. If going bps brand check out the crankin stick. Great price and good rod. I also like the veritas winch line of rods. 7'6 mh would cover what your looking for.
  12. Nice. I actually went to bps today to look at the lowrance elite 4x but they didn't have any to upgrade from the garmin but I guess that's on hold. I can't wait to get out. Just rigged up a trolling similar to the bassyak for the nucanoe. Couple more weeks before I'll be out.
  13. Send me a pm with what you need I may have it. I had a blackmax reel that the worm gear crapped out on so took it apart and kept the parts.
  14. Did you end up installing a depth finder ?
  15. Anyone know if you can shoot they the hull of a kayak with this graph or does the transducer have to be in the water? I searched around and can't seem to find an answer. The plastic on the kayak is relatively thin and no where near as thick as a glass boat. The only answers I seem to be able to find reference thick glass hulls and aluminum hulls on larger boats. Thanks in advance
  16. I wanted a bassyak until I saw the price. I made one very similar for my nucanoe for around 200 bucks. Very easy to do.
  17. I fish exclusively out of a yak and only fish baitcasters. I don't even own a spinning reel. It's all personal preference.
  18. Puts tension on the spool. Start by loosening the spool tension knob. The re tighten it until there is no side to side wobble in the spool. Turn the brakes up to half way. Hold the rod 90 degree and adjust the spool tension do your bait slowly drops to the ground. If your just starting out try to get it so when the bait hits the ground the spool no longer spins and then give it a try. As you get better loosen the brakes a bit until you become proficient.
  19. Check out onway in raymond. Do you have a boat or are you a shore fisher?
  20. Megastrike defiantly makes a difference. Most notably for me was topwater frogs. Was getting light strikes and added some megastrike and was getting solid strikes
  21. Tractor supply has then for 5 bucks.
  22. What is that line you have on that reel ?
  23. Shane got me on them as well. All I can say is hang on. Bass crush these things. I couldn't believe it the first time I used them.
  24. Definitely try the hi vis line then like yellow braid to add to the sensitivity at least a couple times. Like said above sometimes they will crush the bait and if your not hanging on it feels like the rod will disappear. Other times it feels very subtle , maybe like someone is taping your line with a pencil. If you think you feel something set the hook. No harm if nothing is there. Eventually you will be able to determine what is on the bottom by feeling the bait move across mud, rocks, grass etc. Be paitient and be willing to change colors on worms etc. I have had days that I've been skunked and a simple color change makes all the difference. Also what are you using for rod and reel for senkos Trigs etc. That could also be part of the problem.
  25. Are you sure your not missing the bite? Maybe go to a high vis line and leader so you can line watch to learn what the bite feels like. Sometimes there so subtle they spit it out before you even know there there. Also very very slight rod movement is usually more than enough to move the bait around to look intriguing.
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