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Everything posted by bass1980

  1. Chicken raised to be slaughter are fed differently and injected with hormones/roids whatever you call it. It is nothing typical to the wild. Look at a Tyson chicken vs a all natural chicken. One of my passion growin up is fish keeping. Not little tetras but expensive discus, monster predator fish, and even native game fish. The question always pop up as how big can they get. The enthusiast always answer that they can only get xxx big is that size tank. I believe fish and water is deifferent than air breathing mammals. A fish in cold climate will usually never be bigger than fish in warm climate...on average.... Due to them trying to save energy and live off the fat. There's always that rare out of the norm fish. But there will always be that rare out of the norm fish in a southern massive lake that's bigger. Unless its fished so much to the point they don't even get that chance. Key word is record so my bet would be that.
  2. Yes I'm familiar with the story of Ethel. She was breed in a hatchery but was caught in Lake Fork. That lake is massive. When she was caught she was already 17+ lbs. So to me this has no relations to raising record bass in a tank or pond. Most fish get stunted when they are young and will never recover. Not saying they are stunted but determined growth will be when they are young.
  3. Really? I'm on TW website as of 8:40pm Central time and it doesn't say anything about 20% off? Actually I'm on this site 10+ times a day which cannot be normal for a human.
  4. My go to spinner bait is a KVD white bleeding one, has some red splash in the color. What I do is I add a white fluke as a trailer. My buddies wasn't laughing for long after that setup caught many bass. The only problem is that Northerns seems to like it more than bass lol.
  5. People need to stop it about record bass in a pond. Three things needed for record size bass. Food, warm water, and size of water. Your fish tank bass will never get 10 pounds no matter how much you feed it. It's just goes against science. PB pond bass may be big but not even close to 20 lbs. A 20+ lb bass doesn't even look normal anymore. Like hogzilla in the hog world. I don't believe it's normal for a bass to have a belly like that. If record bass was longer and more proportioned then yes it's normal. Think about Yao Ming, that guy is not normal lol.
  6. $200 is budget and I don't mind buying used. I'm just hoping that a good setup for smallies would work well for walleyes and white bass. But yeah seems like I'm hearing medium light is my best bet.
  7. Yeah but man the Symetre/Avid is somewhat out of my price range. Maybe a Sahara/Avid....hummmmmm.
  8. I fished in a MN river and Smallies only took minnows. I caught two on plastic crawfish but nothing else that day. Next day came with minnows and caugh 15. You can hardly tell they took it too as they seemed to be lazy. There were times I can see them and see how they strike.
  9. Just wondering why pitching flipping rods tend to be longer? I thought the norm was shorter the more accurate? I have yet to learn how to use this technique properly lol.
  10. Went last week and smashed those Smallies. Landed about 15 smallies from shore. Now that I'm getting more and more into fishing next on my list is an all around setup for the river. I'm thinkin medium action or ML. Maybe 7' for casting distance from shore. Thinking spinning reel too since I usually throw light stuff like just one or two split shots, hook, minnow. I want an all around setup since I don't want to carry more than one rod wading in the river. I'm also targeting Walleyes and white bass since they share the same water. Any suggestions on the setup? I'm looking at a Shimano Symetry 2500, using 6-8 pound lines, but I am not sure on the rod. I want an under $200 setup.
  11. Unless it was weighed pictures and words can be decieving. Many pictures look like a hog but when you weight it a lot of times you'd be shocked. Plus I'm not discrediting anyone but stories tend to change over time.
  12. Since I'm just getting into baitcasting I was thinking now is the time to see if I would like to use lefty reels so it'll be the same as spinning reels I used. However after looking at all the retail reels and reels in the classified I think I'm going to stick with right hand reel. Just more options to choose from and when a good deal comes up in the classified it will most likely be a right hand reel. At this point, I am buying more used items than new since I'm somewhat new to bass fishing.
  13. Smallies put up a great fight.
  14. I think with harsh weather up north along with Bass not being the top predator in the northern states its extremely difficult to get a 10#+ near WI. MN state record is only 8#. Sure you hear stories of back in the day and all, and its a possibility but today's fishing pressure makes it even more if a challenge. Honestly if you really are looking for that number I suggest just book a flight to Lake Okeechobee, Florida. You can YouTube it and people have clips of catching 10 pounder.
  15. Correction, Large Mouth Bass catch and release, an American thing. Living up north, just about everyone that fishes for Walleyes has kept one and I'm sure if they caught their limit in eater size they would. There's two sides to this debate and people have their own reasons but that doesn't mean the other side is wrong. Aside from the people that loads up illegally, or loads up the freezer (which counts against your limit so illegal as well) I don't have issue with people keeping and eating fish. The C&R guys make it seems like people that keeps fish are dying in hunger and need food. It's something about hunting for the meat and enjoying the fruits of your labor. Although I don't like the taste of LMB, some people do. Also if we want to be politically correct, hooking a fish in the mouth, holding it by it's lip in an awkward position for a photo, is nothing humane and does hurt the fish. I think if the species is in trouble the laws needs to limit the size and amount even lower.
  16. You can use small rubbr bands and the wacky tool instead of the O rings. Just loop rubber band around the wacky tool a few times at the end of the tool. Slip the worm in, and then push the bubber band off. IMO the rubber band is keeps it tighter on the worm. I've had a few senko's slipped out of the O-ring due to smaller bass biting the ends of the senko.
  17. Crap sale ended, they really mean one day when they say today's sale. Was going to get 10 silent but now I may just pick up 2-4 just to have variety. I was trying to collect as much Hard baits this winter and load for the spring.
  18. I've already read all about the theory of silent vs rattling crankbaits. TW has a sale on SK silent red eye shad and was tempted to get some. I was looking to get a lot of lipless crank anyways but now that I saw this sale I might even get a bunch. Just wondering if people have had sucess with silent crankbaits or even better any sucess with the SK silent lipless cranks. I just don't want to buy 10+ of them and they don't work as well as rattling. The lakes up here in MN is not very clear BTW.
  19. They should still catch fish if used correctly. However I think those size are more for walleyes. They use them often trolling at 5-8 ft depths I think.
  20. I'm sorry guys, the Curado is a G series. I think I had typed E series. It probably wouldn't matter on people's opinion anways. I was looking at it from a value stand point. A top of the line Pflueger for half price, and still new. If the reel is not a total bust and still near the top of it's class then this is probably a great deal too. However the Curado G with still relatively new, is also a great deal at $100. I think I'm going to get the curado and hope to sell some things off to get the Pflueger too!!! Thanks fro the many response.
  21. Plus the Patriarch spinning reel has great reviews but I like that slogan put a S on your chest.
  22. I think that was a fair question since the Pflueger is a $200 reel and the Curado E is said to be not as great as the older models and retails at $159. Well I guess I know what to get then unless we have some People that can vouch for The Patriach.
  23. For $100 which of the two would you guys get? Got a coworker and a local guy selling these. Pflueger is brand new and Curado was used a few times only. Brand new the Flueger cost about $50 more. Just haven't found much info on the net about the Partriach durability.
  24. Just got back from the river and caught a 21 inch walleye with a red eye shad. If you work it low you can get walleyes too. It's not just for bass.
  25. Oh and this is the retrieve that has been working best for me. They really do hit right when the the CB drop. Keep the line tight at all times, that's the key. Forward to 2:25 for the retrieve I like to use that KVD is showing.
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