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Everything posted by bass1980

  1. Told you TNbassin that the *** would look killer paired with a STX. I know looks doesn't mean it'll perform well but having a nice looking setup will make you want to fish it more lol. I'm just loving how they balance and how the rod handles. Makes the Veritas feel like a heavy broom stick now.
  2. I was in your shoes not too long ago buying gears with a tight budget. Here's my advice and its to buy gears that you can eventually resell. So many people buy gears, cheaper gears starting out, and then want to upgrade later but can't sell their cheaper quality gears. A Pro Qualifier or a used Citica will cost about $80 and will have a strong resell value and easily be able to resell because of the demands from people buying used gears, like me ;-) It'll be harder to sell a used Silver Max and very hard to sell a used Ardent IMO.
  3. ^^^but must have order history with them and must have CC to charge it on. If it comes back with no damage no charge. I am doing this next month I hope.
  4. Fell in love with Lipless cranks using yo yo technique. When fish are not as aggressive this is my go to technique. I have caught everything from bass, pikes, drums, smallies, to walleyes doing this. They'll hit it on the fall!!!
  5. NICE! I hate ebay, I always get zap at the end. I would have bought one in a heart beat at $100. PM me the seller if you don't mind.
  6. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I guess I will use mono for this setup. How would Yo Zuri Hyrbid react to these two techniques, jerkbaits and spooks? I will not be using it for frogs since I saw some people mentioned it. I have someting heavier with braids for that.
  7. Can this be possible? I'm on a budget and hoping that my 6'7 MF ***/T3B can handle top water lures like poppers and spooks while be versatile enough to use jerkbaits also. Normally mono is used for top waters and flouro used for jerkbaits. What would you guys do? I really don't want to spend anymore money on another setup. I was wondering if hybrid lines will be the best to compensate for such different actions. Any thoughts on this is appreciated. This is my last of 5 setups and then I'm ready for opener.
  8. Yeah it becomes a ticking contest after a while. I still think its silly for Lews on have 6 reels from 99.99-199.99. I still want to try a BB1 though and hope to buy one this weekend at the show.
  9. Best Bang for your buck.......buy used gears. You just have to be careful but nothings guarantee. However there is a high chance that guys sell items just because they fall for the bait monkey and want to upgrade or change brands and it's not because their gears are bad. You should see some of them crazy Daiwa enthusiast. They buy and trick out their Daiwas only to sell them for a fraction of the cost and their gears doesn't even look like it was used much. Although those reels are far from best bang for the buck lol, but you get the point. Buddy just picked up a used St. Croix Avid and a Shimano Citica E for $150. He beat me to it lol.
  10. Bought a few cranks, Lipless Cranks, and Jerkbaits and need some advise on what size treble hooks to replace them with. Also you think the lure has good enough hooks and doesn't need to be replace please fill in. Here is the list. KVD 1.5 - 2.25" - 3/8oz Luck E Strike STX - 3.75" - 1/4 oz XCalibur One Knocker - 2.5" - 5/8oz Spro Aruku Shad - 3" - 5/8oz Red Eye Shad - 2.5" - 1/2oz
  11. Jig fishing!!! I love power fishing, even when I'm not fishing I'm putting action into the retrieve. I need to learn more about the structure of lakes and how to use Jigs. By late spring and summer there is so much vegetation that I just don't know where to throw jigs other than docks. I just end up with a pile of weed.
  12. I use them wacky rig with an O-ring and also a weedless weightless hook for water less than 5ft deep. Deeper water I use a weighted weedless hook to help it sink a bit faster. Keep a bit of slack on the line and watch the lines carefully. This is for when there is tons of vegetation. For rivers or lakes with areas that has little vegetation I use them weightless on Texas rig. Not sure why it's not working for you. When I take the wifey out fishing this is what I have her throw. So easy that I can focus on my fishing and not have to every minute tell her how to fish lol. Every good lure has a time and place, maybe that's just not the right time for them.
  13. Unless I got a bad reel from a bad batch, yes IMO the TP is a notch above the Lexa. I'm not braise towards any brands, in fact I'm really just beginning to use baitcaster a lot. However with many friends I have the opportunity to try out various reels for the day. For me I have relatively small hands so the Lews just felt better to palm and its 1.3 oz lighter. It really is a smooth reel right out of the box. Don't get me wrong, the Lexa felt great too.
  14. If you can get a TP for $135 then look no further. I have a Lexa and have handled a TP. I don't think they are in the same league and is not fair to evaluate the Lexa to the TP. The Lexa does cast light stuff pretty well and smooth. However it is not as smooth on the retrieve as the TP, but anything under $200 will be hard to beat the TP in smoothness. Overall the Lexa has had a really good reviews from users. I think they are pushing the Lexa hard to be a player in the Curado, Citica, Revo SX, S, Quantum Energy, and Lews MG market. Daiwa's bread and butter reels are $300 plus. They finally got a reel under $200 that is respectable IMO.
  15. Today was a good day.
  16. Turtle thank you for the link. This is exactly what I thought I saw. I googled search forever for a hands free rod holder but thanks for helping me out. Can't wait to hit those smallies.
  17. If I'm wader fishing I can't do that. Plus a lot of times covering the shore lines at my favorite spots I like to move a lot. Just a bit of hassle. Another thing is I don't like setting spinning reels on the ground and get sand all over it.
  18. I think this belongs more in the tackle than the rod forums but MOD move as you please. Anyone know of a hands free rod holder for shore or wader fishing? I would like to carry two setups with me fishing the shorelines. I once saw a guy with a wader and he had an extra rod latched behind him but he was too far for me to ask. I'm not sure if it was something built into his fly fishing vest, or his wader, or be simply just shoved it in between his wader and back. I saw a clip called the Eze Angler clip that you can put in your back pocket or jean waste. Seems cool but at the same time seems like its not stable. Anyone knows of a product please fill in. BTW I don't care for the floating tube that carries extra rods, tackle, and live bait. That's just too much for me.
  19. *** *** 7'1 - Shimano Symetre *** *** 6'6 - Daiwa T3 Ballistic *** *** 7'1 - Daiwa Lexa 100 These fish great. Ok I'm lying no open water yet. I just stare at them and practice pitching in the basement lol.
  20. 75% of people on the Internet will say they would release it. 90% of people would keep if if they had a state record in their hand. Truth!
  21. I have a promax combo. My first BC ever. Still cast and catches fish great. I would sell it for dirt cheap if you were local. Don't want to ship rods.
  22. Yup I'm in MN so same size bass and waters. I only suggested the MH since you said square bill. I'm thinking your throwing them into structures like branches and logs. I'm going MH because some LC I have are 5/8 to 7/8 oz. For cranks I will throw mainly shallow divers but want the versatility to throw a DD in the right lake since not many lakes up here are really deep. Didn't want to buy one rod for shallow and one rod for deep when I hardly throw deep.
  23. I'm looking for a used X10 rod. I think that rod would be better for lipless cranks and shallow divers because its MH.
  24. Oh and BTW there are some people that have it already and used it. They have limited supplies at some places plus.
  25. Just messing around. This is like the third post about the Scatter rap. If you scrolled down or go to the next page you'll see bunch of on going discussions. Normally MODs will lock threads that keep repeating other threads.
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