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Everything posted by bass1980

  1. What pound test are you guys using for Brad to flouro for each?
  2. I'm even further up north, MN. I did load up during TW's sale and got two reels and more lures. Funny as it may seem, I have been keeping busy learning basics. This past month I've been learning and perfecting tying knots. I mean I know how to tie a few different knots, but I want to remember a few more and even the ones I know I want to be able to do it quick and efficient.
  3. Once upon a time sports was defined as what it is in the dictionary. In today's modern world of sports it should be redefined and split up. It would be hard to believe that Chris Lane and Cliff Pace works out more than the average YMCA member. Being physically able to handle the hours and weather is no easy feat but it's not the same as being physically gifted where you are superior in either speed, size, strength, and coordination. IMO with competition fishing, knowledge and decision making is 80-90% of your success. With modern major sports there is no question you have to be physically gifted. Whether it's size, speed, strength or coordination, success is determined more on superior body movements. Now I'm sure people will say casting, flipping, pitching, hook sets are body motions but you don't need to be superior in those department but need to be superior in where you think the fishes are and the decisions to choose this lure vs that. I might ruffle some feathers but if I was to redefined sports then NO it's not a sport. Ping pong is more of a sport.
  4. I highly doubt the Revo S has 20lbs of drag. TT did a test on the STX and Winch and none of them came close. They all measured closer to 10-12lbs of drag. Are all the Revo's rates at 20lbs? http://www.tackletour.com/reviewaburevogen3winchpg2.html http://www.tackletour.com/reviewaburevostxgen3.html
  5. Hey guys thanks so much for all the tips. I forgot to add one thing. I have been searching the web but I find that most of the information relates more towards southern waters. I would really like to know more about northern natural lakes and how bass behave in our time frame. Our opener isn't until may 29th-ish. I will look into In Fishermen and all that was suggested. Anyone else have suggested please fill in. Again thanks everyone.
  6. Mitch thanks for the reply. See this is exactly what I'm talking about. A lot if info I see on the net is more gears towards southern bass fishing as it is more popular. They don't have as much vegetation as our natural lakes and they don't have pikes and skis. One other question. I assume you run braid and then 15ft of flouro leader? What is the main purpose of have such a long leader? I thought normally leaders are a few feet just to be less visible and braid for strength?
  7. Sorry guys I guess I never really gave it a thought about my profile in all my years on forums. I'm from Twin Cities MN. Lake Minnetonka is my favorite lake.
  8. I've been fishing for a long time to kill time but my passion was cars in the past. Recently I got introduced into bass tournaments and with older age I can't stand wrenching a car anymore and now I am totally hooked on bass fishing. I'm fishing small clubs that holds 5 tournaments a year and I am well behind a lot of anglers. Last winter all I did was study study and study. Everything from rods n reels, techniques, lines, and lure presentation to name a few. Last summer I thought I did ok for it really being my rookie season tournament fishing. Now I want to know more! I feel like the biggest difference between me and the top guys here is just knowledge of the fish itself. Example our first tournament was held in spring. With last winter extending longer than normal the water temp couldn't get up to temp fast enough. So when opener hits a lot of the bass was still bedding. I didn't know that at the time and didn't do so well. Just the behavior of the fish itself is what I need to learn more. So anyone knows where I can read/watch info on Bass? Not fishing, just on the fish itself and its behavior. I'm a huge nature guy and always watch National Geographic but I've never seen a show on Bass. I would like to know the fish more to understand when and where to look for them depending on season, water temp, forage, just to name a few. Thanks.
  9. Mine doesn't move left right or up down. The play in mine was that it was able to rotate a hair in the same direction of opening and closing.
  10. I know exactly what your talking about. I had a Chronarch 201e7 and my first time taking it out I felt that side plate play. I actually bought two CH201e7 and only one did that. I couldn't figure out what it was and was thinking of sending it in. In actual use every now and then you really notice it. Then after a while it gets in your head and your waiting for the side play. Unfortunately I cannot help you out on this issue. After a two more outings it went away. Then I forgot which reel was which and just never cared to look for it anymore and then I traded both 200 series reel. Good luck on your quest to fix it.
  11. It's really hard to explain but even with the reels being very similar in size the 50e just feels smaller in my hand and I do have small hands. I believe it has something to do with the top of the reel. It's similar to the Tatula vs the Zillion. When measured the Tatula and the Zillion are almost identical but because the top of the reel is wider on the Tatula people think it is a lot wider because it feels wider. Here is a picture of my hands on the reel. I tried to do the best I can with not being bias. I hold with my ring finger on the trigger. My hand looks chubby but trust me I have small hands.
  12. My thoughts are if you enjoy the hobby and want a bait to be cool looking then go for it. The great detail in these baits can't hurt it just like a custom painted crank. However the part I think is silly is with it being 3 fish vs 1. Like I said, if you want to throw a cool looking lure, great. If you think 3 fish in a crank works better than 1 you fell for it.
  13. There's really no comparison between the two IMO. The Lexa should be compared to the excelsior when thinking of taking that $20-30 jump or not. The Tatula has much more to offer and more innovations.
  14. Just buy from Bassresource sponsor Ron at Valley tackle. There's a link on the right of the screen if your on your computer. I think he sells the standard tatula for $115ish. Better security than buying from eBay.
  15. I don't see why you would choose the Lexa over the Tatula. Tatula has the new innovation from Diawa like the TWS and air rotation. Tatula tested at 16 lbs max drag vs 6.8 on the Lexa. I had the Lexa and didn't find it anything interesting. A good reel but not a great reel. Haven't tried the Tatula yet but reviews and specs seems to favor the Tatula. The one thing I will say I like about the Lexa is I do love how it palms in my hand.
  16. Exactly.....I wanted a 7' Medium fast to pair up with my T3 for river fishing but they only make a medium moderate rod. Maybe it will come later in the spring.
  17. Another thing is a higher percentage of ice fisherman eat some of the fish they catch vs the typical bass fisherman. A lot of people say fish like pan fish, walleyes, and perch taste a lot better during the cold water months. Meats more rich and firm. I've only ice fished a twice to kill time. Don't keep them because I'm lazy like that. However I was at a coworkers house and he cooked up some crappie slabs and walleye fry and it was delicious. If only I wasn't so lazy to touch fish I would keep one or two for a treat here and there. If you southerners never had walleye fry before I suggest you try it. It's the northern states favorite fish to fry.
  18. Obviously people will say the frame will flex because it's not aluminum without ever fishing it. I haven't punched with it but the only two outing I used the T3B I frogged with it for 1 hour. Caught two 3 pounders with it, one dove into the slop. I had to pull it out but I never felt like the reel was flexing or about to break apart. Sometimes I wonder if it's perception or reality? Also depends on what kind of punching too. Florida punching is heavy duty compare to up north punching. I still haven't had the chance to really use it due to winter though.
  19. It's quite comical reading to how some of you don't understand ice fishing. My wife doesn't understand why I need multiple setups and why I fish tournaments when it's raining out. Many people don't understand the reason to sit in a tree stand for hours with barely any day light just for a shot at a trophy buck. Ice fishing has it's own challenge and rewards. It's actually more expensive to get started. You need an auger to drill the hole, Flasher to spot the fish and depth, rods n reels, ice house, heater, and your snow suit and boots to name a few. If you like walleye, crappie, or perch fish fry, nothing better than catching some and put them aside and it'll freeze right away. As fresh as you can get. As for the fish itself in cold water. Some fish like Bass normally don't feed in the winter. They are cold blooded so they slow down to preserve energy and fat. That is why in the fall you can get a lot of crank and spinnerbait bites because they are so active, trying to get fat to store for the winter. Northerns, Muskie, Walleye, Crappies to name a few feed all winter long. Yet they too are lethargic because of the cold water.
  20. I was in your shoe not too long ago. My advice is to not go with the suggestion like I got. I was told to buy something cheap and learn from it. What happens is those reels doesn't really perform well and it could sway you away from BC reels. Plus when you realize you really like BC reels and want to upgrade it's hard to sell that cheap reel. IMO if money is a concern save and go right at the $100 and up price point. BPS pro qualifier is nice, Daiwa Tatula at Valley Sports for $117 are great choices. Better quality reels just feels more refine and performs better. Plus it's easier to sell when you want to upgrade to even more expensive reels. Another suggestion is to watch plenty of youtube. How to set your BC reel and get rid of a birds nest. Don't be like me and only watched a video on how to set your BC reel and went to the lake to try it out. Got to the dock, my first cast birds nest like no other. Hummmm now what? Oh yeah didn't watch the video of how to get rid of a birds nest. So eager to try it out after one cast went straight home like a loser lol.
  21. So as far as jig weight is the only reason why you guys change up weights is the rate of fall and casting?
  22. Hey guys thanks for the reply. Just needed some quick advise because I just went to buy a 7'3 *** ***. I have some buddies down in California that's uses only Dobyns DX and NRX and they said the *** is on par with those two for sensitivity. I really wanted the 7'1 but they didn't have in stock, only the 7'3. I have a 7'1 *** and it just balances better than a 7'3. I guess after researching all night I decided to go back and grab the 7'3 ***. Paired with my CH51E it doesn't balance as well as a 7'1 like I figure but I guess I can live with it. I don't have massive Popeye forearm so I'm always looking for a lightweight great balancing setup. As for jigs with the lakes I fish it's hard to find rock bottoms. I usually fish 5 feet or less depth. Working on getting better at 8-15 feet. Lakes up here aren't the deepest. I already have some 3/8 and 1/2 jigs, and will buy both. I just wanted to understand more of why people use what because I'm going to order more of one or the other depending on what I feel like I will use more. I am getting very confident on jig fishing from last year and want to be better this year.
  23. Crap.....I just realize I posted two question with one about fishing tackle and one about equipments. MODS, feel free to move it to the best forum. I would rather have it in equipment since I am more interested in the Rod length question but if you feel like it belongs here that's fine too. Posting at 1:35am half a sleep doesn't do any good. Sorry.
  24. Searched and searched but didn't find much info so I'm asking. 3/8oz and 1/2oz jigs seems to be the most common used. Which do you prefer and why? Also Rod lengths for Jigs. I'm getting another rod for Jigs and can't decide if I want 7'1 or 7'3. What lengths of rod do you prefer and why? Just wanting to hear some suggestions since I'm about to load up on $100 of jigs and two dedicated Jig rods. I normally fish shallow so no deep jig fishing setup for me yet. Thanks.
  25. When you drop shot what's your setup and at what depths for deep clear water lakes? Also are there much vegetation and will 6lb test break?
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