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Everything posted by bass1980

  1. That is a good point, especially handy man that does it themselves and now the motor runs rough. Don't want to buy another persons problem. I am kind of skeptical of buying boats that are listed so early in the year. It's not even open water yet up north. In the back of my head I'm thinking some of these people are hoping to sell a boat so early so you can't even test it on water.
  2. Tired of using my BIL's massive boat and now looking to get my own. Price range is $8000-15000 with hoping to get one around $12000. Searching on CL i'm seeing many 1998-2000 19-20ft 175-200hp bass boats. Many of them are Johnson motors. Many of them have had some sort of motor work. Would I be better off buying a used boat with a reworked motor already or hope to get one in pristine condition and it doesn't grenade on me. I have listed a few and hope you boat expert can suggest or compare the boats for me. Anything to give me a feel of what to expect. I have help many people and friends when they list cars since I'm a big car guy but with boats this is uncharted territory. I know it's a lot of links but even if you guys know something about that boat or motor on just one link please fill in. 2000 Ranger 518vx - 19ft - Evinrude 200hp - $14000 http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/boa/4375612817.html 2000 Pro Craft - 21ft - Mercury 225hp - $13900 http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/wsh/boa/4356991303.html 1999 Skeeter 20ft - Yama 200hp - $13500 http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/csw/boa/4373547454.html 2000 Stratos - 19ft - Evinrude 200hp - $12000 http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/csw/boa/4356529202.html 2000 Triton TR19 - Yama 175hp - $11000 http://siouxcity.craigslist.org/boa/4343017955.html 2001 Stratos SS - 20ft - Evinrude 225hp - $10500 http://eauclaire.craigslist.org/boa/4342806818.html 1998 Javelin - 20ft - Johnson 200hp - $9500 http://duluth.craigslist.org/boa/4339373555.html
  3. I have plenty with this hook. 4's, 6's and 10's.
  4. I don't think you should base your decision on the $250 msrp. IMO they aren't worth that much but were being priced there because of innovation and name. Still a killer reel at $109 but I've always said the T3B should have been priced at $180.
  5. Here's the clip right in the beginning. http://www.bassmaster.com/video/randy-howells-day-3-afternoon-charge
  6. Also while watching Randy Howells gopro clips I just couldn't believe that Randy was fishing that area for hours already and these guys decided to fish literally 8 feet away from him. I have no idea why any of his supporters didn't tell those two guys to back off. There was actually two boats under the bridge. Here he is telling them to stay back in there and not come out as he was on fish and been working back and forth along the bridge. A-holes !!!
  7. Here's my thoughts....... - Whatever happened to common courtesy? There is an unwritten rule about respect even if it's not a tournament. Why would you feel to break it during such a prestige event? - It could effect the outcome of a tournament with rude spectator boats. The more popular the pro is, the more fleet of boats he will attract. - I'm not in favor of closing the lake off to the public, but I believe it could be done if they really wanted to. When a major sports team wins a championship, they close off public streets for parades. The team is not public or state owned, but the streets are state owned. I believe the Classic wants spectators but the pros don't but as long as people have common courtesy then there shouldn't be a problem. If this ever happens in the future only the classic should be allowed to, not just any pro tournament otherwise you're going to open a big can of worms. - Crowding is one thing, but wacking an area right when a pro leaves is unethical because they may come right back, and fishing right next to a pro is classless. - Lastly, if I was a pro I would ask for a volunteer from the fleet of boats following me. Ask them to help herd the boats when they are too close. Right when I stop at a spot I can yell at my helper and tell him I'm going to fish this area and work my way around that direction. Hopefully the helper can troll around and tell the fleet my strategy so they know how to position their boats. I know it will never be that easy though.
  8. These are the two cranks I am really looking forward to try this spring. One is the spro bluegill. I've had success last year with the KVD bluegill and this spro looks fabulous. Also I'm trying to think outside of the box. Going to try this blue Rapala DT during early cloudy mornings or near sunset. Retrieving it with a lot of pause and hope they are taking it on the pause.
  9. Well I have the rest of my cranks in my shed which to get to I would have to walk 60 yards in knee deep snow so I can't take pics of those. These are what I have bought since winter. Wonderful winter up north is collecting season.
  10. Well before I used to just fish to fish, never really getting deep into techniques, lures, and gears. The past 1.5 years I've been hooked. I haven't had a chance to really loud up on buying a bulk of cranks because I'm still testing to see which ones I really like so my problem is I buy too many kinds and every kind I want to get a few different colors. I'm also spending majority of my money on setups so lures are second priority until I can get my 8th setup, I'm at 5. I'm well behind so of you guys that have 100+ cranks, but I'm not sure if I want to get there lol. My problem is I know not to buy, but I stare and stare and then I end up buying. Cranks hasn't even produce the most or biggest fish for me, that would be jigs or power worms, but there's an attraction with cranks I have I guess.
  11. Crankbait is my crack, yes I have a crankbait problem. I simply just can't stop buying them. Anytime I'm at Gander, Dicks, or any stores that sells tackle, I get what I need then I immediately walk to the hard bait section. Anytime there is a small sale on cranks, I'm looking to buy some if it catches the fisherman in me. I know that some catches fish and some catches fishermen, but even knowing that, I still seem to want every cool color and want every brand I feel like has a good design. During a normal fishing day I might try a few different colors and brands, but then when I do fish the few tournaments yearly I only end up throwing 1 or 2 cranks. It's just this thing with me about collecting them, almost like jewelry for men lol. Sometimes I will just stare at cranks for a long time thinking what colors I need. I usually get a natural color, a dark natural color, a bright chartreuse color, and a red color. Then I think to myself about thinking outside the box and get a unique color. Usually I never end up using that crank lol. Two plano full of cranks, working on my third. Lipless cranks, I'm working on filling my 2nd plano. Jerkbaits and topwater, also working on my 2nd plano. I don't see myself stopping, Today I just picked up 2 Spro fat pappa 55 and 2 Spro Little Johns because of a measly 20% off even though I went to the tackle store to buy hooks . Yes I am a crank addict.
  12. Current Livingston lures are plain looking, but the one Randy Howell was using was a prototype lure and it is a lot more modern and detailed.
  13. Yup that's what I was thinking with the 6.7 oz ***. I only have a 7'3 Heavy with a 6.5 oz reel and balance feels off already. Where the heck do you live to be able to mount a Curado I and a ***? Curado seems to be sold out everywhere and thought the *** wasn't out until end of the month.
  14. A few things.... Abu Garcia gen 3 does not have 20lbs of drag. Check out TT reviews. They are only around 10-12lbs. Lews super duty is recorded at 11.9lbs. 13 *** is advertise at 22lbs, but if the trend seems to be like what I'm seeing probably have to wait until TT gets the reel in its lab to do a real test. Would be cautious how a 6.7oz reel balances with that big rod though. I bet if they net half of the advertise drag power people will go nuts. Surprising that nobody has ever raised the red flag about Abu Garcias false advertising.
  15. I would rather just get the T3 1016 that comes with the RCS and more for $199 but maybe if buying the sv spool then the ballistic may be a good project.
  16. Yes I've been watching the gopro clips and the classic on espn. There was a point Randy was advertising the lure and the company when he was using the Livingston. My point was he "culled" 4 fish. They all looked the same size on camera. He threw a few fish back in the lake from the Livingston because he knew they wouldn't make the cut. Whether he culled 1 or 4 from the Livigston, a smart business man must endorse the sponsors that are paying him. Like I said he had to be pulling in 5.5 lbers on the Livingston. Those are big fishes.
  17. I wonder how we would really know if he culled 4 fish on the Livingston. His 7 pounder came from the DT6. His bag was 29 pounds and change. So his 4 he culled had to be around 5.5lbs average. It's too bad they didn't show enough footage considering they have gopros. I mean on espn they won't have enough time but on bassmaster.com or gopro site they should just show the whole dang video from start to end.
  18. Yeah I know, that's what I figures. Similar to the marketing hype of Daiwas TWS. Does it help? Sure it could help somewhat. Is it as big of a gain as their marketing, probably not.
  19. What I really want to know is which reel is better. Curado I or Curado E in these categories. Casting Retrieve smoothness Can you really tell if Xship helps under load. Thanks. I already got one on order. Want to order a few more but waiting to see more reviews from other anglers.
  20. I disagree, they are great with braid.
  21. Had them on a few times and hated them and gave them away. For me when my hands were slightly wet they seem more slippery instead of being grippy. Maybe I got a bad brand but it came with the reel. IMO Shimanos power grip knobs are kind of ugly but they are by far the most comfy.
  22. It's already too late. They only hand them out to the first 250 customers this weekend only and must be used by today. That's what I though looking at the ad.
  23. I was wondering if you could use this scratch card with items that are already on sale or on clearance? Like double discounting. Also do you need to buy something to get the card or do they hand it to you at the door? If anyone replies before 8am central time with the answer I am heading to Gander Sunday morning. Otherwise I'm sleeping in and saving money that I shouldn't be spending anyways.
  24. I fish thick vegetation and usually go 50lbs just because I use the same line for frogs and punch so I buy a bulk spool of power pro. It's diameter is the same as 12lb mono. According to the 50 series you can put 85 yards of 12lb mono on it. At 85 yards I will never need to cast a jig that far, not that you could spool 85 yard with a jig anyways unless I'm doing something wrong. I usually pitch them but sometimes will have to cast but never needing to bomb them. 50 series is the bomb for people like me with smaller hands. However I did just get a chronarch ci4+ and even at being a 150 it feels almost as small. I really like the small profile of that reel. As for 1/8 oz, the 50 series is good with light lures but that may be at the lowest limit of the reel capability but it's really going to be the rod that gives you problems. A MH rod just can't load that light of a lure. 1/4oz with trailer IMO would be the smallest I would throw with that rod.
  25. Gander mountain has them on sale too.
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