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Everything posted by scaleface

  1. For sure. A friend of mine {Who I think is the best bass angler in this area] Has won multiple tournaments , thousands of dollars on culprits.
  2. Im a Texas rig man. Its been my number one weapon for thirty years . After reading about the swivel trick ,and trying it I felt really stupid for not coming up with it myself.Its so simple.
  3. I wish it was my idea. I read this tip in Bassmaster, a reader submitted it. I think it makes for a much better rig and use it 100 percent of the time I Texas rig.
  4. I have also had the frustration of fishing a heavily timbered lake with little luck. Just keep plugging away . My rule of thumb is the choppier the water the shallower the fish.
  5. Bet you have webed toes too.
  6. What a beautiful fish. Looks like you had some nice fishing weather there.
  7. Id rather catch small fish then nothing at all. I love those 100 fish days and there are usually few big fish being reeled in when Im having a busy day of catching dinks.
  8. Most snags occur on a Texas rig because the plastic slides down the hook. Keep it from sliding down and you will cut your snags down considerably. This is how i do it. I use the smallest barrell swivel that will fit over the point of the hook . Rig it like this. Start the Texas rig but dont finish it. Slide the other end of the swivel on the hook, then finish the texas rig. You will now get fewer snags and you will hook more bass.
  9. Fish on a windy day, the windier the better. The waves crashing on the shoreline will stun and dislodge things bass like to eat. A few years back I fished a lake and we had forty mile an hour sustained winds. To windy to even think about launching a boat. I had a great afternoon catching many species using half a senko on a jig head and,just walking along a rocky shoreline casting and reeling. Use to do the same thing on the Mississippi river, only it was barges creating the waves. As soon as the barge waves crashed against riprap bass would move in and feed for a couple of minutes. Wind and waves makes the water come alive.
  10. I usually fish for deep schooling fish or shallow water. I like to work Rattle Traps through deep fish I spot on the depth finder or hit the banks with shallow diving cranks.
  11. I simply use the smallest barrel swivel I can. Slide one end on the line between the sinker and the hook. Your plastic will never slide down the shank again. Heres are pics on how its done.
  12. I fished the Dead Lakes. Read an article it in Bassmasters about it. I even remember the title of the article. "You Might Get Your line Broken Here". That was back in 1980. Did not catch a big one but had a lot of fun. I live in Hannibal.
  13. I fish from a jon boat a lot and was in the same situation. I had an old bow mount trolling motor that no longer worked. I gutted it , shortened the shaft , ran the cables up the inside, mounted the unit on top. .It works great.
  14. New member here.Im 55 and have been a bass angler since the 70's and started fishing in the 60's. Its just what I do. Ive bass fished in Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Iowa, Illinois Arkansas and Missouri. Use to fish from a bass boat , now I am restricted to a canoe, plastic two man boat or jon boat. I also use to fish local tournaments, did OK in them, but gave it up because I prefer not to fish on a crowded lake. Anyway, Im always learning new stuff and thats why I joined this forum , too learn more about this great sport.I maybe able to shed some insight too.
  15. This is a silly question but would like the advice of some veteran bass anglers. Ive been an avid bass angler since the 70s, so I should know the answer but a person cant know it all. The last two years Ive been having good luck on a vintage Rogers Big Jim Crankbait. 1\4 ounce I think, the small one. It has hooked a lot of bass and two lunkers, the problem is the size 6 hooks tangle quite often. I dropped down to size 8 VMC's , but they look to small. Im afraid that I will lose a big fish if the #6's are knotted together , or not hook one because of the #8s are to small. A 6 and an 8 together also tangle. What would you choose , hooks that may entangle or hooks that are on the small side?
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