We call them dog-fish . They are a blast to catch . I have caught them 7 to 8 lbs and a friend caught an 11 . They chew spinnerbaits like a pitbull on a raw-hide bone .
I'm not going to recommend a brand but once the spinnerbait bite dies down in the late spring I switch to a slightly smaller willow leaf blade and to duller bait-fish or sunfish patterned skirts . Same weight, whatever cast the easiest, which for me is 1/2 oz.
For younger anglers or anyone getting started , there is so many options that it would be boggling . For experienced anglers, nah we have a good idea what to use , when and where .
Im late to the party and went through the videos but at 70 pages it took me months and I did not listen to every single one . I did hear some good stuff .
The Strike King Rocket Shad excels in deep water and current but the free swinging double hooks are a liability, in my opinion . So I made baits with similar dimensions and blades with traditional hooks.
Thats kind of hard to answer . I'm guessing a normal cast with normal willow blades and slow retrieve, that @Jar11591 is accurate . I made a bunch of deep spinnerbaits from 1/4 to 1/2 oz. sporting small single willows to fish deeper water .
Because of DNA testing a new cousin found me. Very successful and appears to be an outstanding young man . Being put up for adoption is the best thing that ever happened to him and he knows it . He likes to fish too and says some day hes going to travel here and go fishing with me . I'm looking forward to meeting him .
We only did it the one time, had maybe 20 quart jars and went through them in a year .
An elderly "river rat" woman instructed us and she took several jars .
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