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Everything posted by scaleface

  1. They go by angler of the year standings.
  2. I've seen big bass come from over-populated lakes. Fillet a bunch those little ones , you will be helping the fishery.
  3. You and how many other people watched that video? Was it on Youtube? Sounds like a good way to ruin a good spot.
  4. Fishing pressure. Even on the small lakes its horrible . I stopped by an 80 acre lake the spring to check it out and there were over twenty bass boats on it . Thats a lake I was frequently the only person there. Then there is the Facebook thing.
  5. Owner Jungle Flipping hook . That hook is to thick for my style of fishing . I have lost my last bass with them . I left the pack at the ramp for some other poor fella to use.
  6. Bagleys balsa shad crankbait for stripers . I noticed a lot of the larger bass caught had giant shad in their gullets. If thats what they are eating thats what I'll give them . If I catch one its going to be big . Nope. Finally the fishing Gods felt sorry for me and caused the lip to fall out so I never had to make another cast with it . Musky jitterbug, same results . The big lure big fish strategy didnt work for me.
  7. I think I retrieve them at an angle . I never thought much about it. Now that I thought about it, yep, I retrieve them at an angle most of the time.
  8. Have you considered a vest . I walk rivers wearing a vest and it works out out well . A vest , one rod and reel, pockets stuffed with small tackle boxes . Mobility catches bass.
  9. Whichever size cast the best with your equipment is the size you should be throwing . I throw 1/2 oz the best on my spinnerbait setup.
  10. Cook Feider Palmer Zaldain Mullins
  11. Cutie
  12. That wasnt my point. Just watch how they present the baits.
  13. Before making a cast visualize where a big bass might be set up at . Then get the lure to the best spot . You may have to pitch , roll cast.... This up-coming tournament on the Sabine river . Contestants will be casting at shallow cover . Watch how they approach it, how efficient and precise they are .
  14. Gold/copper combo has worked well for me the past few years around bream beds. A gold main willow and copper secondary Colorado paired with a bream patterned skirt.
  15. I bought a 5to1 gear ratio reel just for deep cranking . I quit using it . The 7to1 works fine for me and is more versatile for other uses. Being I dont carry but a half dozen combos , they have to be utility players.
  16. I have to go change shirts now. Spit my Mountain Dew out.
  17. Bass and big ones like to hang around stuff. Stumps, weeds , brush piles, discarded washing machines... All lures work . Choose lures that you can cast the best and toss them silently around stuff. The better the cast the better chance at catching them . Fish all points and cuts. No noisy overhand casting . Roll cast it . Once you get the lure weight matched perfectly with the rod then casting this way is easy .
  18. I use the Dredgers on a 7 foot mh rod , 7to 1 gear ratio and 12 lb mono . I can reach the advertised depth with these lures . Plus the Dredgers dont pull as hard as the Strike Kings . The 14.5, 17.5 and 20.5 are the ones I use the most . The 25.5 has caught bass 22 foot down, the deepest I ever caught on a diving bait. I have had the most success with Fire Tiger.
  19. On my favorite little lake it is "should have been here last year" . The bass got sick and died.
  20. The popper I was referring to is the Rebel PopR P70. Rebel has re-introduced it as the PopR P71.
  21. My favorite is a vintage Rebel Popper . I dont know what its called . Its larger than a PopR . I dont throw poppers a lot but like this in the summer through the tops of emergent trees along channels . I've had 70 fish days with it. I make as much noise with it as possible, spitting water 6 feet or more. On windy days when bass are active in the tree tops is the ticket.
  22. Yum Dinger . It has plenty of weight for pitching .
  23. Texas rig by far . Jigs get tried often but with a short leash . If they dont produce pretty quick a Texas rig is getting employed . I rarely throw a Carolina rig these days . C-rigs were used mainly as a deep water search bait and I dont fish that way much anymore.
  24. I gave away two grocery sacks last year and still have too much . I've been randomly reaching in this cardboard box, grab a pack then rig one up so at least I'll think about throwing it . Right now the selected random bait tied on is an old Riverside swim-bait, black with chartreuse tail, rigged on a jig head . Had this bag for thirty years and havent thrown one yet .
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