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Everything posted by scaleface

  1. Could be. They were choking that tube and spitting up crawdad parts.
  2. I believe it was Stephen Hawking who sad "Bass fish ing is for dun der heads"
  3. Yes you can . I have experimented both ways. My favorite way to get a higher hookup percentage is to skin hook it on the side.
  4. Just slide it in.
  5. My tube heads are hand poured by some guy I made a trade with. Dont know his name . He wanted some discontinued terminal tackle "Speedo Beads" that I had .
  6. What would your mount Rushmore look like? The anglers who influenced you most. Friends , family, pros... My Mount Rushmore would be Virgil Ward Roland Martin. Rick Clunn Larry Nixon
  7. I need to rethink my ned heads. What do you guys use? I've been using Matzuo heads not intended for Neds.
  8. Very well could be.
  9. Thats another thing , tubes get wedged in the rocks less than Neds.
  10. Sounds like me and my brothers with baseball cards.
  11. I was a bass fisherman before I even started bass fishing . I'd go to the tackle stores or depts and just drool over the fancy bass lures. Then there were the magazines like Field and Stream , Sports Afield... that had the occasional bass article. So when I finally got a chance to bass fish , I was biting at the bit. My first Texas rigged caught bass changed the way I fished.
  12. Fishing a rip rap bank yesterday with a ned rig , I quickly lost two bass that jumped and threw the bait . This happens a lot with neds for me. Then I switched to a tube with a jig head inserted and landed 100 per cent of the bass . The tube would slide up the line during the jumps and the fish just stayed hooked. Am I alone on this ? Do you think Neds out fish tubes?
  13. I fished the Beaver dens yesterday with a new plan . Using a 3/16th oz weight and a Yum Dinger , I worked from the outside in . I let the bait fall until I thought it was far enough then work it out on top of the limbs instead of down through them . Caught multiple bass on both houses and only got wedged once. Before leaving I went ahead and let the bait fall through the limbs and was able to get it through .
  14. I use to hand bend them too and they were always crooked.
  15. This little lake I've been fishing has two newer dens and two older ones . These are the best cover on the lake. If I dont get wedged , multiple bass are caught. I always start on the outside where there are no limbs then start inching inwards. I need to lighten up with the weight and be faster on the hooksets. I'm going to try things different next visit. Usually a 5 inch Dinger with a 5/16th oz weight is used. Appreciate the replies fellows.
  16. I kind of know the places where bigger fish like to accommodate so I fish those spots and go for bites.
  17. I've been pondering this. Next trip I'll use a smaller weight and a paddle tail Dinger. I'm going to let it hit bottom on the initial drop then pop it up and try to retrieve it over the sticks.
  18. After sticking my self three times, I finally bought a pair..
  19. Way to go, Slicko.
  20. I bend it before adding the blade to keep it flat.
  21. Submerged beaver structures are one of the top bass attractants I have found. I know a few that are almost always productive for multiple fish . There are two problems with them . I might get a Texas rig through it the first few cast, might not but I will always eventually get caught up in it no matter how finnessee I try to sneak a worm through. Second problem is if I wait too long to set the hook , the bass has already wrapped me up . I have to be quick to get the bass out. These tangled messes go from the bank out to almost ten foot depth. How do you go about fishing them?
  22. One night I could not catch a bass on a buzzbait, although I was getting hits regularly . I took some needle nose pliers and bent the wire frame in a stair step fashion "Cavitron style" and started hooking up . The bait was riding slightly deeper. I now do that to all my buzzbaits since I pour my own . I believe I get a higher percentage of hookups. I made a jig to bend the wires to keep them straight. Its just two nails in a 2x4.
  23. I like to rough up tubes with my fingers real good, a Randy Blauket hack. Then I keep that tube on until it literally cant be used anymore. The more chewed up it is , the better it works, at least thats the way it seems.
  24. J.D. Drew "former baseball player for my team the Cardinals" because I'm frequently on the disabled list.
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