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About k4phd

  • Birthday 06/30/1948

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    North Carolina

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  1. Hi, I have a 14 Foot jon that I hauled it on a short bed F150. It went in transon first then I used a rope to go through the eye on the front of the boat and back to the corners of the bed. The bed was a 6 i/2 foot and the tailgate down made it 8 feet.It hauled very well. Later I went to Northern Tool and bought a trailer kit for it. I extended the tongue and also put guides on th help with loading. It works great. I would look on Craigslist. I have seen jon boat trailers there priced very reasonable that would have suited my needs without all the work. Good luck. Jim
  2. Just can't describe how nice the pictures were. Reading your post and looking at the pictures at the same time makes you feel the chill in the air and almost feel like we were there too. Great job and thanks for sharing that with us. Please do that again . Jim
  3. Something to think about. I bought a new Crestliner 1436 with live well from the dealer several years ago. We were talking about weight capacity and ratings. He said that with the flotation built into the boat the rating was for the weight it would support filled with water. My wife and I or a friend and I do just fine with the 1436, but you have to keep in mind what you are on and act accordingly. I can haul my 1436 in the back of my F150. Two people can handle it easy. Good luck with what ever you get, but just enjoy. Jim
  4. Farm Town and Farmville both are fun. You don't have to worry about "Mother Nature" interfering with this kind of farming. Jim
  5. Sounds like the experience of a married man talking. Amen. Happy Father's Day. Jim
  6. That's a nice boat at an unbelievable price. I hope all is legit and you can get it. Please let us know so we all can be happy for you or jealous. Ha! Jim
  7. Hey Chris, I changed the impeller on my 6 horse Yamaha and I have never done that before. I did a little searching on line about what is all involved before I started. I guess it took me an hour or so to do the job. I found the impeller on E-bay for $14. I don't think the impeller had ever been changed and the motor was made back in the 90's but not used much. It did "p" water out at idle before the change and picked up when running, but with the new impeller it really "p's" it out now at idle. If you could do it yourself with a little help from someone who has done this before it could save you money plus give you hands on experience how to do the replacement again someday. Good luck. Jim
  8. Hi, Be sure the vent is open on the gas tank. I had this happen to me once. A new gas can and I did not realize there was a little vent cap on top of the filler cap. We were running along just fine and it just died and would not crank. I noticed the tank looked like it had sunk in. I saw the little vent cap and opened it and the tank went back to normal shape. After that the first pull and it started right up and ran fine. This was on a two stroke motor, but I don't think that would be any different than a four stroke. Good luck and I hope it is something simple. Jim
  9. Hi, I have a 1436 Crestliner I bought new from the dealer. We were talking about boats and motors and the dealer told me that the capacity rating was a little deceiving. He explained that because of the buoyancy built into the boat , it would support the rated weight when it was full of water. If that is true it makes me feel safer knowing it has some bit of safety built into it. Jim
  10. The good life. Jim
  11. First of all, good luck and I hope you sell in a timely manner. One to think about that by selling it yourself, the amount of money that the realtor would charge would be a great savings for someone wanting to buy. That could make the difference whether to purchase or not. I have had bad luck with one realtor and and ending up selling the house without the realtor. Actually the house sold itself. Again, good luck, Jim
  12. Hi, I have a 1966 Fairlane 500, 289, also with a 5 speed. The transmission really works well. It has 74,000 miles. Jim
  13. Hi, I hope you can get more ideas, but one option is to get a piece of plywood and cut it to the size of the seat and mount it by using sheet metal screws around the perimeter so to take advantage of the strength of the bends near the edges of the sheet metal, then mount the trolling motor mount to the plywood directly. I believe mounting directly to the sheet metal with it being as thin as it is could cause flexing and maybe later have to be repaired. The foam is flotation for safety, but I have read where some remove the foam. I have a 14 ft. Crestliner jon boat I purchased new and the dealer told me that the weight ratings on the tag on the boat was misleading. He said that with the flotation foam in place that the boat full of water would still support the weight that your boat was rated for. I think your polar kraft is rated for 325 lbs., so it would still support that much weight full of water. Good luck and enjoy your new boat. Jim
  14. I have a Crestliner 1436 with a live well. It wieghs 185 pounds. It is a nice little boat. Alumicraft and Lowes are also excellent. One thing to look for is the one with the most ribs and also the bracing that supports the sides of the boats that goes across the inside of the bottom and up each side. I have seen jonboats that had the bracing inside the bottom but not up the sides. I bought mine to use on a private lake and never thought I'd need a trailer, but now I have a trailer and take it to a larger lake. Larger is better within reason. I have hauled mine on a F150 with a short bed and the tail gate dropped and it hauls fine. I bought mine new for $930. Have fun and let us know how things go. Jim
  15. Hi, I have a Humminbird 323 which is the non GPS version I believe, and it is a nice little Fishfinder. Jim
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