1. I check the weather reports for strength of wind and wind direction.
2. Then I pick a place to fish that would be easy under those conditions.
3. If the wind is above steady 20 MPH with gusts, I stay home. It just makes my life easier.
4. I let the wind be my friend, by keeping the wind too my back, and casting with the wind to my back.
5. If the wind pushes the boat too fast, I put out the drift sock. This greatly reduces the forward movement of the boat, and is useful in all depths of water. A lot of guys now have power poles, this really helps in shallow windy areas.
6. I will use more weight with my lures to keep the line under easy control, and back lash free.
7. With the wind moving the boat instead of your T/M, you are NOW in stealth mode. This helps greatly with spooky fish, especially in clear water.
8. Look for funnel points for the wind between clumps of weeds, or two pieces of land. Funnel point provide increased current which the fish position themselves on. Fish the down wind sides of the funnel.
9. Look for slack water behind some structure, fallen trees, clumps of vegetation, points, objects in the water, anything that will break the wind and current. They often sit in the still water behind objects, and dash out and ambush stuff drifting bye.
Don't be aggravated by moderate winds, let the wind work for you, and use the tools out there to help you be successful.