In south Florida the heat index has been above 110 for the last two weeks. Humidity is super high, with temps in the mid 90's. If your planning a trip make the trips short, early and out by noon or before.
As a football coach in south Florida for over 40 years, when I started we had limited water breaks with maybe two short breaks during a two hour practice. That changed 20 years ago to a break every 20 minutes of practice. Then 10 years ago it went to unlimited water provided during practice by a team of student trainers that were there during every minute of practice. Water was not only there to drink but also squirted on necks and under helmets. Oh how things have changed.
You need to drink on a schedule, and not wait until you become thirsty. If you do wait, you will already be dehydrated. Drink often, and stay covered as much as possible. I will try to drink every fifteen minutes by always having cool liquids available and easy to get too on the deck. As one gets low, I will take out a fresh one. During summer I will always take three times more water then needed just in case of a mechanical problem, making hydration a critical concern, if supplies get low. Always keep working emergency numbers handy in case a problem, remember in the heat, time exposed is your enemy. Lots of liquids are needed during these pressing times.