Alligator Alley MM 41
Saturday 8/25/18
7:00 - 1:00
wind light SE
Thunderstorms at 11:00
Water stained
W/T 85*
Went out today with friend Rick. We ran west and then back east to the weir on the south side. We fished the weir that had current running hard through it. We caught 4 bass quickly in the current. Rick was throwing a HB Frog, and I was throwing plastics, both were producing bites. Once the sun got high with little cloud cover, the Frog bite just died. I continued to catch bass tight to cover on the u-vibe. You had to hit areas with shade, and back in the little pockets in the shore weeds.
We had one funny thing happen. I caught a 1 pound bass, unhooked it, and threw it back in. As soon as it hit the water the bass returned in the boat, at my feet. We said, he must be upset that we did not take his picture. So after a brief photo shoot with my little friend, I released him again and he almost made it back in the boat for a third time. My new friend wanted to stay with us, for sure!
We were chased under the closest bridge until the lightning stopped popping all over the place. Usually you can catch a few bass around the bridge pilings, but not today. Although the lightning stopped the rain just continued. After an hour of sitting it out, we ran back to the ramp and loaded the boat in pouring rain.
We finished with 12 bass boated, a large gar, and a mudfish. It was a fun trip, with good company, and a few laughs. It doesn't get much better then that!