I don't criticize anyone that wants to fish alone, but over the years I have had a bunch of long term friendships with good buddies that I fish with. I have a group of friends that I go out with on a weekly basis, for trips all around South Florida. I cherish the conversations we have about fishing, and life in general. Some of these guys I have fished with for over 40 years. I have one RULE on the boat, that they keep the politics, and religion, out of the boat. All other topics are fair game. I seldom fish alone and would not have it any other way. I have learned a lot of things from them, and I hope they have learned a little from me. I have never charge anyone, anything, for these trips, other than their company. I would not have it any other way. They are a group of great guys, and make the experience far more enjoyable. When I do fish alone it is never as good as having someone to share the trip. So if you enjoy solo trips, knock yourself out, but it's definitely not for me!