Don't give up you just never know where or when it will happen. I fished for twenty years without a double digit, and then one very sunny day, with no wind, and no fish from first light to noon. By this time I had downsized to a spinning rod with 10 pound mono, and a weightless zoom fluke, just trying to catch a fish and remove the skunk. I suddenly saw a commotion in some shallow weeds right next to the bank. I threw the fluke into the mix and after a quick twitch, the bait started to swim out of the weeds into deeper water. I set the hook and the fight was on. 11.4 pound largemouth, my P/B on a super tough day, after four hours of no fish. Was I lucky, YES. Was I in the right spot at just the right time, Yes. Was I luckY she decided to swim out of the pad field, YES. You just never know when, but time on the water and perseverance is key. Be out there often, and keep watching what happening around you, and good things will happen. A new P/B is in your future, it just takes time, and some luck!