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Everything posted by a1712

  1. Daiwa DX Swimbait Rod, very nice rod for $100, and McCoy Copoly 20 or 25 pound. Brian.
  2. I got a Baker scale and really like it. Not expensive and one of the only ones that don't eat batteries. Brian.
  3. Shimano Cumara HM1 7'2" Med./Ext. Fast, scary what you can feel with it. Brian.
  4. I must get lucky, after numerous shipments from oversea's, I've never once paid any extra fee's. I'm not talking 1 or 2, I'm talking 60-70 shipments. They were'nt all fishing, but all bigger money purchases. Brian.
  5. Speedbead, your DD is coming, just a matter of time. You're in the correct waters, you definitely know what your doing, it's just being there at the right time. I say by August. Brian.
  6. Monday morning they pulled a 40 year old man out of a local lake. He had been fishing Sunday and had text several pictures of fish that evening. He was in a canoe and something happened. This lake is only 36 acres and 8 ft. deep. It just goes to show anything can happen in the blink of an eye. We all need to be diligent with water safety. I'll think of this every time I'm there. Be safe all, Brian.
  7. Thanks Gentlemen, I have sent him an e-mail. Regards, Brian.
  8. Can anyone here recommend a good Reel Tech to Supertune some Baitcasters? Thanks in advance, Brian.
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