Bud I fish with has them on both arms from the knuckles to the shoulders. Find it humurous when he complains of not having any money walking around with 8 grand worth of Tats. Brian.
I'm 48 and have only had a cell for the last 2 years, Wife insisted on it. Most contemptable evil thing I've ever had, I leave it on the kitchen counter 90% of the time. I've had more good times ruined by that thing in the last 2 years than any other in the last 46. Brian.
Love me some frog fishing. When the water's muddy I go to a pop frog and try to keep it moving, while trying to keep it in the same place. I think this lets them home in on it while not having to chase it. Hope that makes sence. Brian.
Custom's the way to go. $10 for 10 Wobble heads, any color, choice of weight and hook size. Check e-bay, there are several vendors that can hook you up. Brian.
Picked up a bunch of Bomber Squarebills for .98 each and Rage Tail Cutters at $1.50 a pack. Everything was picked over, but they still had a pile of stuff, just nothing I needed. Hagerstown, Md. store. Brian.
If I was a Shad in a school of Shad, I would want to be the same size and color as the other Shad. I sure as h@ll wouldn't want to be pink, kind of makes ya stand out. Brian.
This past summer fishing a huge flat it was bright and sunny. I was bombing a Silver Shiner Sreaming Eagle spinnerbait and knocking the tar out of them. A storm blew in bringing wind and complete cloud cover, it got really dark. The fish turned completely off, switched to the same bait in Water Mellon Seed and kept right on knocking the tar out of them. Didn't catch many with size, but if I'd have put them all on the bank, the water level would have dropped a foot. Brian.
I'm extremely Hard Headed and if I think something should work, I will not give up on it even though it is proving it's not working. This wastes tons of time on the water. I've also had my Bud sitting in the front of the boat refuse to throw a Spinnerbait, because he doesn't like them, while I sat in the back putting the hurt on them. I'm going to strive this year to let the Bass dictate how to fish than my idea of what SHOULD work. Brian.
I love Stren Sonic. I've fished a bunch of them and for durability, cost, colorfastness, managability, it performs much better than it costs. I just purchased a spool of Maxima I'm going to try out in Fl. in a few weeks, hopefully it will work well, I read good things. Brian.
Most areas I fish are not conductive to flipping, so I cast those 95% of the time. I do have one local lake with tons of pads and fish Fl. 2 months a year, so I do keep up on the practice. Brian.
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