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Everything posted by a1712

  1. 46 degree water dragging a Rage Blade at the bottom of a drop off in 12'. Letting the Blade settle then just reeling fast enough to keep it shake'n. Brian.
  2. Stay at Roland Martin Marina on the Big O , call Steve Daniel and book a trip, and there are some excellent bank fishing opportunity's around there also. Brian.
  3. Same spool from either side. Brian.
  4. There is no bearing on any of the XT1000, or any of the Curado/Chronarch 50E spools. So yes, it just drops right in. You'll just need to install 4 brake pipes. Brian.
  5. We have ourselves a winner. Brian.
  6. In PA that's a big NO-NO. The Game Commission has shut entire mountain sides down after bait has been found. Brian.
  7. I just received a high end JDM Reel this morning. Like a kid with a new toy, I had to tare it apart. I laid clean paper towels out and started the disassembly. After removing the handle/drag assembly, the side cover and starting to remove the gear set, something caught my eye. Laying behind the main gear was these 2 metal shavings. Doubt if they could have done any harm, they're quite small, but I still don't want them around my aluminum gears. Better safe than sorry. Brian.
  8. I have this copied and laminated. When one of the guys asks me to do there reel up, with the hope of casting a 100 yards, I have them read it. Brian.
  9. The only time mine aren't covered is when they're in my hands. As I'm picking one up the covers coming off and going on the one I'm putting down. I've been doing it for so long it's like second nature now. I have reels that are fished 5x's a week for the last 5+ years that still look new. I get ribbed by the guys I fish with, but when I can sell a 50E for more than I paid for it after 5 years I win. Brian.
  10. I arrived at my Aunts house one day with my bike helmet under my arm. She asks "Are you on your Motorcycle?". I responded " No, I brought this just in case someone wanted to launch me out of a cannon". Brian.
  11. They have a min. quant. to purchase on a lot of their products. I looked at several reels that would interest me and the smallest quant. I could order was 15. I did see the Shimano CI4 Stradic at $105 and you could order just one, my estimated shipping was $19. So a new Stradic at $125 is a super deal. Didn't proceed to see what they accepted for payment. They have been in business since 2008. Brian.
  12. How'd that work out in the World Series? Just hav'n fun, I'm a lifetime Buc's fan. Brian. Raise the Jolly Rodger!!!!!
  13. Reels with the VBS Brake System. Brian.
  14. I used 4 of the new Speed Stick Lite HM85's for a day last week. They are great blanks, great guides, spot on actions( for what I expect them to be ), the Winn grips were nice, and the build overall was excellent. The 2 things I didn't like were the hook keeper, it's a minor thing, but I absolutely don't like it. The major thing I didn't like was the lockdown on the reel seat. With my reels mounted, Lew's Team Lew's Gold's, it left exposed threads under the reel seat. These threads just happen to come into direct contact with the middle pad of my middle finger. After a hook set with a Jig, I couldn't figure out where all the blood was coming from. I finally realized my finger was cut wide open. I put a 1" bandage on it and went back to fishing. A few fish more and the bandage was cut to ribbons. I finally figured out it was the reel seats doing it so I shipped them all back. Shame, they seemed like a good rod. Brian.
  15. Cabelas has a Booyah made with a closed eye, it's an exclusive. Brian.
  16. I've caught them down to water temps in the mid 30's and broke ice to catch Smallies. I just don't find it very enjoyable to fish in air temps in the 20's. Caught my last Largie of 2014 on Dec. 27th and my first of 2015 on Jan. 1st, in PA. Good air temps, cold water. Brian.
  17. Coldest air temp I've ever caught a Largie in. 31 degree air temp, 54 degree water temp, Lake Ontario fishing around St. Vincent, NY last week. Brian.
  18. I have one that sits completely vertical on the pause. Have not had a chance to mess with it to find the cause. It's deff a different presentation. Brian.
  19. The gear sets w/the related parts can be purchased from Japan Tackle. I installed 2 sets along with Metanium XG handle assemblies into 2 Scorpion XT1000's and they're static bait dreams. Brian.
  20. I've seen it with Flouro also. Brian.
  21. Grab it quick before he comes to his senses. Brian.
  22. Not actually on the lure, foul hooked it in the dorsal. Sure had my heart racing after catching a 3-9 and a 4-2 on 10 casts off the same point. Gave the little Aldebaran and 8lb. McCoy a work out. Brian.
  23. Cell phone Cameras are your friend. Brian.
  24. I fish every day. A good day on the Susquehanna you can boat 75+ fish. PM me and come on down, the proof is in the pudding. Brian.
  25. That's how my Bud breaks 5+ Legend Extremes every year. He waits till he has a tube full to send them back. I wonder why they cost so much? Brian.
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