Just regarding the original post. Ive been carrying sr9c since it was released. Put about 500 rounds through it before I trusted it enough to carry. About 3 years into carrying it, one day at the range it failed to eject a casing. Went home polished feed ramp, happened again. Then a slew of other problems. I couldn't believe for almost 3 years I was carrying something that was unreliable. All I can do is thank god I never had a life or death situation. I ended up carrying my fnx40 for roughly 6 months and fully upgraded the Sr. New stainless guide rod, new springs, ghost trigger, ejector, etc. After all upgrades I put a good 2000 rounds through it and not a single failure. It is my dedicated carry. The point I'm getting at is make sure you are 110% confident in whatever you decide to carry.