via stripers online
'Good' companies plan for the next year, next decade, next generation. I'm beginning to wonder if the Fierce/Sargus/Battle line was the start by Pure Fishing Company (owner of Penn Reels) of a long term attempt to condition anglers to accept the idea of the disposable reel. Laugh all you want but Pure already has folks buying their reels by the millions despite the plain fact they don't last as long as similarly priced Shimanos, not even close.
Now, there has always been junk on the reel market. What I'm talking about here is a long range marketing plan to change some of our most common perceptions of value when it comes to fishing reels. And Pure would only be mimicking many other marketing drives, notably cell phones, computers, audio/video equipment.
Pure has already gained a strong foothold in the sub $110 price range and thus I have to conclude they've also well executed the first stage of a long range plan by convincing millions that their product offers good 'value.' Once conditioned to the idea a good value in a reel doesn't necessarily mean the reel will last all that long, the next step, and the killer stroke for max profit by Pure Fishing, is that we happily start buying the next generation of their product much sooner than we formerly would have to expected to. However, conditioned to accept a new definition of value, we don't protest but instead re-consume the same type of product that would have previously disappointed us.