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Everything posted by dam0007

  1. Talked to Mike last night, Im going balls to the wall and getting the guides you went with. 1/8-3/16 SHs + worms are gonna be the main purpose and 5" senkos w/ 4/0 ewg on occasion. I don't know how I'm going to wait for this in suspense for a month!
  2. it will only be a stradic ci4 2500 so he can do a sic guide set at the perfect measurements same as Roadwarriors basically same rod but for Shaky heads and senkos rather than just senkos. Dvt will vouch I came to him for said rod while RW's was still being built so I'm not copying lol
  3. Spooks!!! Small spooks, sammys and poppers. Ive been using for these for 3 years now. Performs great but the aird bc reel i have on it, drag is ehh.
  4. LOL you werent supposed to comment! lmaooo Sent you a text earlier, call me when you get a min.
  5. I told you guys 4 months ago! lmaooo This, in not so exact wording, is to be a replacement of the TW Max line.
  6. Hey all, DVT is going to be making me a rod. Spinning exclusively for shaky heads and weightless t rigged senkos. Theres 2 guide chains that are up for grabs on this piece. 1) Microwave - Never used them and never even heard of them until DVT made the referral. I guess the weird stripper guide helps by allowing you to use smaller guides up top to reduce weight. Seems cool but.. 2) Fuji SIC - I have this set on my previous gen Cumara and love em! They simply work. Never have wind knots, twist, or any issues casting. So... Should I stick with what I know or are the microwaves worth a shot. Its not like I'm buying a $100 pre fab rod. This is gonna cost me more than I'm used to spending on a single rod and don't want to be kicking myself in the arse first day on the water with it. I will also say Ive never had a issue with any of my Kigan, Pac Bay or Evolve(13) guides. Also the new KR concept from Fuji is supposed to be a improvement from the SIC set... Any input is appreciated! Thanks
  7. Wether you go braid mono or fluoro. Dont over fill the spool!!! Spinning gear, especially 2500 size you dont need to fill it all the way to the edge of the spool lip.
  8. Yea I saw that for the lt100 but the lt40-80 he said different gears I guess. Ones alloy, ones brass. I dont think it will make a difference for me. Cant wait to pick it up from my local shop after work today
  9. Symmetry is a awesome reel for the money and the Fenwick has a lot of positive reviews throughout the forums. I'm sure you'll be much happier
  10. Surprised no one commented any how. To play it safe and not ruin a reel, I ordered from a local guy a a Fin Nor Lethal lt40. Never used the brand before but gonna give if a try. Have heard lots of good things about this reel from some local salt guys.
  11. ooooooh I never thought of that! I'm gonna try that with my rage hawgs
  12. 7-7'3" MH/F I'm same boat as kickstand above, never fished either but recommend length action and taper the same.
  13. I bought the irod genesis 2 Fred's magic stick exclusively for football jigs on deep structure. Love the rod. It is also a great frog rod and flipping stick. I had a thread on here going for quite a few pages not too long ago. Do a quick search. A lot of guys chimed in with recommendations
  14. When flipping I drop in pockets, if nothing hits on fall I hop it twice, wait 3 seconds, if nothing hits again, I pull it up and into next pocket it goes. Ive never casted them out before.
  15. Zillion is up for pre order on TD. $299.99 5:1, 6:1, 7:1 in righty 6:1, 7:1 in lefty.. Again as with the Tatula no cranking love for lefty #fail IMO edit* to justify my post before I get bombarded... no 7:1 in Steez lefty and no 5:1 in Tatula lefty Its like each model they pick a different ratio to kick lefties to the curb with...
  16. Leave out Reese's pieces.... ET
  17. Just like the Global Warming hoax it snowed so much in CT all caused by how warm it got. SOOOO warm it SNOWED and roads got ICY!!! All winter long at that. LOL Lead has been on this planet since its creation, in the ground, in the water, and probably particles floating around being breathed in by the both of us as I write this at this very moment. Being brought into contact with every person who has ever lived on this planet. Guess what? EVERYONE IS JUST DOING FINE! If you want to buy a Prius and move to San Francisco, be my guest, but you dont have to encourage everyone else to move there and sell there V8s. -- Analogy.. I know this has nothing to do with Global Warming,,, Or does it? because GW is why EPA shut down the last standing lead plant in the country less than a year ago.
  18. Cool! Whole time watching I was expecting a LMB to show up and nom nom nom lol
  19. Another thing just dawned on me, unless you get tungsten online on sale with free shipping. Buying online is pointless. I've been getting the VMC bullets at DSG just so expletive expensive. Locally that's all I have no one has steel brass or lead bullets. All the mom and pop shops lead weights are salt (I'm right on Long Island sound) 1oz through 6oz bell or pyramid sinkers. Gonna have to find a dedicated painted lead bullet weight brand/web store.
  20. I own em already held up to my Chronarch the tat handle looks longer. Either way love swept design.
  21. I went out yesterday, flipping, had a massive hit set the hook, wound up being a pike bye bye $8 1oz tungsten. I feel your pain brother! Sucks cause no one local sells lead any more and I don't have the patience to pour my own.
  22. If you're going from a ugly stick to a brand name bass rod I'd try to handle a few first. Check out a local bass pro or a cabelas. I say this because I've recommended 13 Omens to people in that price range and they didn't like the reel seat, which I like. What I will recommend to you is something around 7' in medium or medium heavy action with a fast taper.
  23. awesome info thanks. I'll actually be doing a lefty reel though. If shimanos are 90 I bet the Tatulas are longer. So yea I'd be happy. Well now I have my next 3 purchases planned out. OT check can't come fast enough lol
  24. Report back whatever you try, interested in your opinion.
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