Go to Walmart, buy a couple of KVD1.5s, maybe a Bandit 100 or 200 in whatever natural color they have (if your walmart has the 'root beer' color, grab it - that's my fav bandit color). Each bait is about $5.75 and will catch you plenty of fish. For around $25 bucks you can have four excellent cranks.
Since you are just starting, and you want to go cheap, forget about a specific rod/reel for right now, just go with whatever combo you already use, it will work fine. I prefer MH with a fast tip, not the typical setup for cranks, but it works for me.
The hardest part about cranking is being willing to throw them where they might get hung up. Throw them where there are rocks or wood structure and deflect them off of everything you can. Practice in the shallows to get the feel of things and so you can easily retrieve snags. The KVD1.5s and Bandit 100s have square bills and will get hung up less often, but snags are always a danger when cranking.