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Everything posted by Avalonjohn44

  1. In my neck of the woods everyplace is a mucky mess at the bottom. Weightless is the way I go. Can't fish a jig without bringing up a pound of slime and muck.
  2. I have two currently. Love them both. I use the Toad/Senko and the Jig/Worm. I use them for all sorts of lures, not just what they're named for. Between my W&Ms and Abu Garcia Veritas rods, you can see me coming from a mile away...
  3. I've never had a Matzuo that worked right. Cheap junk.
  4. Stanley has a specialty hook for their frogs called the Double Take. It's a double hook similar in function to the double hook on a Spro or Booyah hollow bodied frog. They are the best frog hook I've found.
  5. Optimum baits has a line of frogs called Furbits. It's a hollow body frog with rabbit fur for legs. Never tried, seemed a little off to me... I've also seen some spinnerbaits in the OP style sitting in the discount bin at my local Gander for years.
  6. For cranks, I would start with Bandit 100s, 200s and Strike King's KVD 1.5s. Excellent all around cranks, cheap and available at most Walmarts. I like to collect and throw my Megabass and LCs, but find that I keep going back to my Bandits and SK1.5s time and again. I have never had one need tuning out of the package, and all are very durable. I have not had a single bandit or SK1.5 crack or had the bill break. Can't say the same for most other brands (Manns, Rapala and Bagley in particular...). For Spinnerbaits, my favorite is War Eagle Green White or Bluegill colors. Terminators are great too, but the price is better for War Eagles... I usually put a white grub for a trailer on most of my spinnerbaits, seems to catch more. My walmarts don't carry either brand anymore, I have to find both at Dicks or Gander.
  7. AFAIK Mend-it won't work for hollow body frogs... I cut pieces from a couple of really torn up old hollow body frogs to patch the holes/tears in my newer frogs and rats. Scissors and superglue, it's just like putting a patch on an old inner-tube.
  8. Ribbit Double Take Hooks (they use Gamakatsu hooks) are my favorite frog hooks. They are styled after the hollow body frog hooks. Weighted or weightless, multiple sizes and they have a twistlock. Best frog hooks around. Available at Wal-Mart (at least the ones near me...).
  9. The Strike King Ocho is very close. Plus they smell good.
  10. I have two pairs of Igogs, each one only $30, and they float. They really filter well and make certain colors (yellows/oranges/reds) 'pop'. I was recently in the market for some Oakleys, but in the end couldn't justify the price especially because I couldn't see any difference in vision quality side by side. Glad I saved the money, now gonna blow it on zMan lures and shroom jigheads.
  11. Do you mean Lunnkerhunt Frogs? If so, I bought some myself, and don't care for the action or the fact that they sink so quickly. It sucks because they're such a nice looking bait... i'll probably put em up on ebay and buy some Live Target frogs/rats. They kill for me.
  12. I fish mono through coontail, as low as 8lb test. It comes through pretty well. The coontail in my lakes is pretty brittle, so your mileage may vary...
  13. Beautiful. And with Trokar hooks, nice. Can't wait to give them more of my money . :eyebrows:
  14. And they are available at Walmart...
  15. The Ribbit Double-Take hook might work.
  16. My prediction is that several somebodies will be introducing tackle systems super similar to the Ned Rig.
  17. Instead of fishing it with an exposed hook, just rig it a bit differently and bury the hook. Google images a texas rigged grub and implement what they do with the ned rig. It might put a slight bend in the bait, but it still works. Tried it a couple of days ago.
  18. Only the females, and only during certain times of the lunar cycle...
  19. Man, I like the looks of those Boogerman Buzzbaits. That Red/Black skirt looks like it would crush.
  20. You can try two things: Silent and/or smaller cranks. Or just go back to plastics and go with what worksl.
  21. Awesome video, thanks. Now back to the problem of finding those darn TRDs in a brick and mortar...
  22. I am doing that. I have about 10 packs, but they all sink. Most of my other elaztec/3x Strike King baits float, but not the zeros. I know eventually the zeros will float once the salt disolves, but I wanted the TRDs since I was under the impression that they already floated and stood straight up from the bottome. Is that not the case?
  23. Negative about the Ned rig? Trying to find TRDs in the store. Can't find them, or most ZMan plastics, locally anywhere. Where the heck do you get them if you can't shop online?
  24. I gave up on skipping with casting gear. I just can't get it down. Since I can skip all day long with a spinning rod, I just use that and avoid my precious time out picking out backlashes or getting frustrated.
  25. I've tried it with some insulin hypos, it isn't easy to get the air to to go in and then to stay in. If you want a standup trickworm, buy the Strike King or Z-man version with elastec. Much easier and more reliable than fumbling around with a needle.
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