For cranks, I would start with Bandit 100s, 200s and Strike King's KVD 1.5s. Excellent all around cranks, cheap and available at most Walmarts. I like to collect and throw my Megabass and LCs, but find that I keep going back to my Bandits and SK1.5s time and again. I have never had one need tuning out of the package, and all are very durable. I have not had a single bandit or SK1.5 crack or had the bill break. Can't say the same for most other brands (Manns, Rapala and Bagley in particular...).
For Spinnerbaits, my favorite is War Eagle Green White or Bluegill colors. Terminators are great too, but the price is better for War Eagles... I usually put a white grub for a trailer on most of my spinnerbaits, seems to catch more. My walmarts don't carry either brand anymore, I have to find both at Dicks or Gander.