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Everything posted by Topwaterspook

  1. Welcome , Kevin. It's a great site with a lot of good folks. Hopefully gain lots of insight and knowledge from everyone. Tight lines.
  2. Ya gotta love it when your line starts moving off sideways ..............it's almost like a penalty shot!!
  3. Welcome to the forum, Austin. It's good to see more folks here from PA. I hope you gather a wealth of knowledge. There are some awfully good folks on this site. Good luck to you.
  4. I too am starting to have success pitching jigs. I can see how they can become a confidence bait. Much continued success with them, swordsman.
  5. Kinda ironic how fishin' will keep a fella humble. I went back again today and caught a grand total of three.
  6. Today, after the rain quit, I had to get out. I caught one on my first cast, using a 6in. lizard. The second cast produced a 2 1/2 pounder. By the end of the afternoon, I'd caught a total of 31 bass. All but 7 coming on a black, Zoom lizard with chartreuse tail. The others bit on a shad colored Gander Mountain 4 in. fluke. I saw two really good bass but couldn't get 'em to bite. All in all a great day.
  7. I wish I could, J. I'm pretty badly computer challenged. I even had to have my son-in-law post the photo for my avatar...??? I'm pretty sure you can find something on youtube about it. It was called the JEEP HERITAGE FESTIVAL 2014. I took a film crew for a ride. They had cameras stuck all over the Jeep. They told me that they were making a documentary. Next year they're going to try and break the Guinness Book record again for the most Jeeps in a single parade.
  8. The annual JEEP FESTIVAL has thousands of Jeeps converging on Butler, PA. ................It rained terribly hard a couple of times today, causing portions of the guided trail to be closed............Two years ago as I was working the event, I had riders from China and Ireland..............When my Mom was building them at the old "Bantam Car Works", I'll bet she never imagined it would develop into such a cult following...............Tomorrow the weather is to improve greatly. We're sure we'll be swamped with folks wanting to try out the new versions of this American classic.
  9. Thanks, Andy. This is exactly what I thought was the problem. Carter was missing the bag consistently to the left. I agree that the proper fix is to change to a left handed bow. He is a bit challenged and just the accomplishment of consistently hitting that bag gave him so much sense of accomplishment. He regaled his dad with this achievement. It made him smile from ear to ear. This will be a great confidence builder for him. Thanks for the advice and info..............oh , by the way; I'm getting hooked on that jig fishing. Thanks for those too.
  10. Okay, folks I could use some input here. My 8yr. old grandson was given a bow and is learning how to shoot. Here's the twist. He's right handed and was naturally given a right handed bow. While standing behind him and watching him shoot, it was apparent that something wasn't quite right. He was having a difficult time hitting the bag from 10yds. away. I questioned him about how he was sighting with the three pins. My wife ( who worked in the optical field for 25 years ) and I did the thumb and window test with him. Apparently he is left eye dominant. Have any of you dealt with a similar problem? What did you do to help the situation? Short of getting him a left handed bow and having him change the whole process, I'm at a bit of a loss. .............Watching him play baseball has also shown that his hand eye coordination suffers considerably............I'm now wondering if part of that problem may be related to the same condition. Thanks for the suggestions.
  11. Welcome and good luck with your tournament endeavors.
  12. Wayne, you may want to check out Mann's Sizemic Toads. I use these a lot over matted vegetation later in the summer. There are two colors that float, White and Southern Toad. Texas rigged, these baits can be just the ticket in heavy weeds. The nice part is that you can stop it in holes in the mat and they won't sink.
  13. I'm approaching the 100 mark. Conditions yesterday allowed me to catch 6 on a Pop-R. So far, all my fish have been small.
  14. Thanks, everyone, Kit is certainly is my angel. She told me to not get used to it! . ................Jigfishin, I'm feeling around 95%. I can hardly ask for any better.
  15. Today, I start my 46th year of marriage to the finest woman I know. She definitely deserves a medal.
  16. Ya gotta love it !!
  17. Nowadays I'm much more aware of danger from over exposure to the sun's rays. Using sunscreen on my face always seems to end up stinging my eyes. That situation has ruined more than a few days of fishing for me. I've found a sunscreen that won't burn the eyes. It's zinc based but clear instead of white. It's called Z Blok. I'm just passing this along in case some of you have found yourselves in similar situations.
  18. The last couple days I've squeezed in an hour of fishing each. I caught 6 and missed one each day. The fish are all small, the water is like thin chocolate milk, it's cold and windy. I felt fortunate catching the ones I have. Gotta love a gold bladed ,Colorado blade on a chartreuse spinnerbait in those conditions. Good luck , everyone.
  19. I can't even give you the name of the boat. There was no name on the transom. We were loaded into a skiff onshore and dropped off at two different boats. If I still had my receipt, I could tell you more. Sorry about that. I'd consider doing something else with the money spent on that fishing excursion. The two mates weren't very fluent in English. Thank God there were two Canadians onboard that were much better at Spanish than I am.
  20. It made three nice jumps. Got it close to the boat and it went straight down. It took almost all the line I'd gained getting it close. I wanted to get some good photos before it lost it's color but they refused. It was a strange outing , for sure.
  21. Yes, Jeff. Actually; John caught most of the battle on one of those fancy cell phones. When we get these pics downloaded I'll try and post it.
  22. I've been fishing twice here at home. A grand total of one bass around a pound and one crappie. In a few minutes, I'm going to go out and try again.
  23. Believe me , Chris, there were some long faces as the folks disembarked. I was the last off the fishing boat and there was a total of $11 in tips in the basket. They had better gotten a good price for that fish.
  24. My son-in-law and I went on a make up charter Thursday morning. They crammed 8 of us on a 42 foot vessel that must have been built in the late 60s. The gear was bare bones and old. We trolled for 5 hours and had one bite. I did get my first bull dolphin. It was between 40-50 lbs. I thought I'd be able to take it back to the resort and have it prepared and shared for dinner. When we anchored, I was informed that the fish belonged to the boat and would be sold to a local restaurant. I don't think I'll make the effort to fish there again..............The positive thing is that the resort we stayed at was very nice.
  25. Bill, I'm looking forward to fishing more with my grandchildren this year, so I know exactly what you mean. I'd much rather see one of them catch a five pounder than myself. The excitement I see on their faces is priceless. Take good care and enjoy your fishin'. I'm still a Sluggo fan and have developed a great respect for the ability of Senkos to catch fish. Another staple of mine has become Mann's Seizmic Toad. I fish the floaters on a round bend offset shank hook. They work great over matted vegetation. Good luck.
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