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Topwaterspook last won the day on June 1 2013

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About Topwaterspook

  • Birthday 01/04/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Butler, Pennsylvaniai
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Lake or River
    El Salto

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  • About Me
    Fishing, hunting, long range shooting, traveling.

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  1. Hey, Chris it’s great hearing from you. I certainly hope that between the nasty weather and the COVID, that all’s well with you and your family. I have backed away from fishing quite a bit. Since all my grandchildren are involved college and their own sports and activities, fishing with me had dwindled significantly. I sold my boat and have built a couple long range rifles that I compete with. After being sequestered at home for a year my wife and I have received our second doses of the vaccine. We’re excited to get away and see new territory. Thanks for the recommendation. May I assume that you have fished with this fellow? If so, how is he with kids? This is an entire family beach vacation and I’m not sure how many of the eight grandkids will want to fish. It’s ironic, just the other day, I ran across photos of us at Baccarac. I haven’t been to Mexico for three years and want to get in at least one more trip. I was told that Andy and Jeff still go yearly. They are booked for one in October. Be well, Chris. By the way, if you ever plan another southern bass trip and are looking for a tagalong, keep me in mind. Be well , m’friend...............Good Fishing.
  2. I’m looking for recommendations for inshore fishing guides near Isle of Palm South Carolina. We want to take two young teenaged grandchildren for their first saltwater experience. Thanks, everyone.
  3. WTG, Dwight. Looks like fun. You know how I like a topwater bite.
  4. Can anyone with personal experience recommend a good captain and boat for saltwater fishing out of Cancun ? Thanks.
  5. Andy, the pics sure stir the itch to go again. It is a special place.
  6. Can anyone suggest , public , bank accessible , bass fishing near there? The only place I know of is Wasingham. Thanks for the suggestions.
  7. I've been to El Salto several times. Fished from Anglers Inn. Have never had any safety issues. Thoroughly enjoyable experience. Looking forward to my next trip.
  8. I never fished just went sightseeing. The best parts were seeing Mt. McKinley, Denali's wildlife, glacial calving at the Marjerie Glacier and whale watching out of Juneau. I would like to return some time in the future and try for the salmon when the glacial silt clears from the rivers. Apparently that is still a few weeks away. Eleven days just isn't enough time to absorb it all. If anyone gets the chance to visit, do it. It's well worth the effort.
  9. Just back from our first trip to Alaska. It is truly awe inspiring.
  10. Last trip down there, I caught my biggest fish by dropping heavy jigs with rage trailers down the face of vertical bluffs.
  11. My best friend is also " that guy ". Every opportunity he gets he passes gas in the cab of my truck then just smiles. This has been going on for almost 50 years. I always try and return the favor when we're in his truck.
  12. That's another place on my bucket list.
  13. I got word yesterday that the hybrid stripers are on the prowl out at the lake. Apparently there are lots of 5-7 pounders. I gotta get in on that action as soon as this new snow storm passes us by.
  14. Temperature was up again today. I caught my first 2016 bass. It was really sluggish.
  15. I got out for a couple hours today. Not a single bite but I was soaking up the sunshine and loosening up those casting muscles..........
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