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NEjitterbugger last won the day on October 13 2014

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About NEjitterbugger

  • Birthday 06/12/1997

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  • Gender
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  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Okeechobee: PB Location 10-9
    New England PB 7-3

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  • About Me
    Artist on and off the water - Fishing is a PASSION

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  1. My past two outings were very successful, Sunday two buddies and I got 20 fish between 2-3lbs with a 3.7 being the biggest. Yesterday I returned to the spot and got 5 fish all over 2lbs biggest being 4.4 read on an old spring scale.
  2. I was dragging a weightless rage bug over a secluded section of pads and all of a sudden all of them rose and I knew something big was getting ready to strike. I killed the bait and immediately saw my line take off. I set the hook with to much slack out and as I tried to reel the extra line in to get a better hookset I saw her launch into the air. It was the biggest head and gut on a bass I'd ever seen, she was an absolute GIANT.. I really think it was at least pound bigger than my PB
  3. Lost the biggest bass of my life today, PB would have been broken without a doubt... Til next time
  4. First frog fish of the year was a good one! It went 3.7, the fish were going nuts yesterday morning on top..
  5. That thing is a cow, congrats on the PB man that's one impressive fish!
  6. That's what I'm talking about! Congrats dude Mr. Finesse getting it done, gotta get after 'em soon!
  7. She's a biggun! Sweet one Big-O, those are the ones we like!
  8. Thing is a BEAUT great looking fish!
  9. These were caught within a few days of each other both on a swim jig with a rage craw, left one went 4.7 and the right went 5.7, not sure why the right photo is turned but she's there..
  10. I've been finding most of my fish in 2-3' of water, these are smaller bodies that must be a few degrees warmer than bigger places.. I struggled in a larger spot I was fishing which could have been for a number of reasons but I definitely noticed a water temp difference just from touch. I probably wasn't fishing deep enough in this spot and should have probably slowed down a bit.. I ended up going back to where I had some success a few weeks ago and nailed this 4.71 pounder on the same swim jig...
  11. WOW you guys got on some giants! That is some amazing stuff guys, just sick haha..
  12. This was the first year that I was able to nail some fish before they started to do their business.. My first day of bassin' action came on a 70 degree day where I was slowly working a Catchem Caro Uncle Many Minnow which got me six fish 2 of which were above 3 pounds and I got to lay my eyes on a BEAST that ended up spitting it right under the canoe. The action was slow and steady for 2 hours then I struggled to get back on them. Today was my other real notable day, one fish but a 5.66 pounder on 1/4 oz SK swim jig with a Rage craw on the back. She slammed it and the hook was buried in the top of the mouth.. Here are some photos trying to keep after 'em!
  13. I dropped in for about an hour and a half today and got one bite but a GOOOD one! She slammed a 1/4oz swim jig with a rage craw on the back... Had the scale on me this time thankfully and read 5.66 trying to stay after em! Not sure why this one is sideways either, my buddy has to send me the photo he took..
  14. No scale but this was a THICK fish, biggest of the year for me, action is going to start getting real good!
  15. Stopped at a spot on my way home from class and nailed 3 fish, two nice chunks then then this THICK fish.. No scale but definitely my biggest of the year so far. Both came on crawling a keel weighted soft swimbait..
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