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Tuckahoe Joe

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Everything posted by Tuckahoe Joe

  1. I don't think she's gone for good. I have a hunch we'll be seeing her again. The storyline with her and the little girls hasn't really wrapped up and Daryl isn't going to be too happy when he finds out. And speaking of Daryl, I loved when he took that guys whiskey and the dude was gonna draw on him and Daryl just got all up in his face and starred him down. Guy was lucky he didn't get beat. Possible predictions for Carol: Daryl goes out looking for her and finds her zombified. Daryl goes out looking for her, finds her in peril, and rescues her. Carol finds the governor and returns to the prison to let them know where he is. If she does survive it'll be tough for her to come back to live at the prison. Tyreese is obviously on the warpath and it will cause a lot of conflict among the others as well.
  2. That Chic Fil A pumpkin is really well done...congrats on your 2nd place!
  3. I carve at least one every year. This neighborhood sucks for Halloween though. Went through all the trouble doing up an awesome pumpkin and we only got 2 trick-or-treaters, they weren't even in costumes, and I was still putting the finishing touches on my pumpkin so they didn't even get to see it. I guess I mostly do it for myself for the fun of it.
  4. Last year I felt the pumpkin I carved was sub-par. This year I'm pretty proud of my creation. I did the cannibal pumpkin on the right and my wife did the one one the left. Anybody got any pumpkin pics they want to share this year?
  5. X's 2 on this. Theres a couple I drive by a few times a week and almost all the paint is gone. I've also seen ones that are shaped like lures such as poppers.
  6. HAHAHAHAHA...That's too funny!
  7. I think either Glenn or Hershel are gonna die. Glenn's already got it but Hershel's been more than exposed. Thanks to the mega herd, Daryl and Company are now vehicle-less and that's definitely gonna delay the antibiotics. I thought Tyresse was done when he got swarmed like that. His girlfriend (Karen I think?) dying is really brining out his inner rage. If Sasha dies he's really gonna snap.
  8. I like Night of the Living Dead. It's black and white and a little cheesy but it's a classic.
  9. I agree 100% but since I'm there pretty much all the time and often don't get a chance to eat before work, I gotta do what I gotta do. At least Dominos is made fresh. I'm pretty sure Little Cesar's is all frozen stuff and then it sits in the warmer for however long. In any case, I'd much prefer pizza from a small family owned pizzeria like the one down the street from my house.
  10. Happy birthday man! I knew this post had to be about you as soon as I saw the title.
  11. Depends on my mood I guess but after working for Dominos 6 nights a week for the last 3 years, I can honestly say that I'm thoroughly sick of pizza.
  12. Now that you mention it, I'd guesstimate that at least 1/4 of my posts if not more were from welcoming every new member in the introduction section. I've been slacking lately though. Congrats on your 100.
  13. Nice one!
  14. Who did what? Fed the rats to the zombies or burned the 2 bodies? I think the older of the 2 little girls was feeding em. Part of me thinks she may have burned the bodies too. She was a weirdo to begin with. Then her dad turns, she can't do him in, and Carol gives her a talking to about how she needs to be strong and act without hesitation and all that. Then 2 charred corpses turn up. The only thing wrong with this theory is that they were dragged to where they were found and I'm not sure a 13 year old girl would be capable of that.
  15. I also have the black bandit crank. 200 series I think. I've picked up a few fish on it.
  16. Thanks...I'll give this a try. It is a Berkley but it's not digital though. It's mechanical. The ones where the hook pulls the spring and where the top of the spring stops is the weight. I got it in a kit with a fillet knife, stringer and some other stuff. I think the whole thing only cost like $5 bucks. I need to look into getting a halfway decent digital one.
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