Went out today between 6ish and dark. There were too many people fishing the few open spots on the main lake so I went to a smaller pond thats tucked up behind it. The wind was blowing towards the bank I was fishing from and the sun was right overhead. Also I could see a new patch of lily pads starting to come in just below the surface. Started out throwing a jig (which I don't do often and am not that good at). No bites and I got it snagged and broke off. Then I tied on a chartruese Strike King spinnerbait and got a hit! It was just a dink and shortly after I got another small one. Caught a thrid one too that was a little better, about 14 inches or so (maybe about 2lbs...?). Then I lost my spinnerbait to an overhanging tree. Had another that was a similar color but had a big colorado blade instead of the smaller willow/colorado config on the first one. Didn't get any on that lure. Don't know if it was the different blades or the fact that the sun went below the tree line and wasn't beating on the water anymore. Maybe a little of both. Either way, Im really excited to be catching bass again, especially since these 3 were my first on a spinnerbait. I can finally leave the trout rod/tackle box at home!
Sorry theres no pics. Like a dum-dum, I forgot my camera (as well as my fishing license) in the trout box.