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Tuckahoe Joe

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Everything posted by Tuckahoe Joe

  1. Its not just forums or bass fishing. The terms used in skating, videogames, and just about anything else. I personally don't mind being referred to as a noob. At least not as far as fishing goes. In a few years I might have a different opinion but for now, its pretty applicable.
  2. Congrats on the PB! Personally, I think I'm done with trout now that I'm catching bass again. Besides, I think the power baiters caught up all the trout like a week after they stocked em.
  3. I like my 6'6'' 2 piece. I have a small car and its just a lot easier to fit the 2 piece rod in the trunk. I've never had a problem with the top piece coming off but I'm also pretty diligent about checking the part where it connects (as well as any other removable parts like the reel handle) every so often to make sure nothings loose.
  4. X's 2 on that. I first tried it on 10lb line and it didn't seem to do anything. Later on in the year I tried it on my trout rod with 4lb line and it had much better action.
  5. Awesome! I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen any monster Big-O fish in a while.
  6. Dang man...nice fish!
  7. Welcome to BR!
  8. Hello and welcome!
  9. Sounds like a good idea to me. Definitely useful to be able to identify poisonous plants and snakes and a good point was made about the different types of trees growing in different settings. Also might not be a bad idea to have some basic first aid knowledge. Not sure if you'd consider that 'wilderness training' but still good to know.
  10. You could always lash some logs together and build yourself a raft....you know...kinda like Huck Finn style.
  11. I'd like to call out sick to go fishing and believe me, I consider it all the time. But quite frankly I can't afford to miss work. I need all the hours I can get. That being said, My work schedule is 5pm-midnight 6 nights a week. So what I do is go to work, stay up all night, fish from about 6am til 830 or 9, then go home and go to sleep until its time for work. Rinse and repeat. I also get every Thursday off so that's my main fishing day.
  12. Nice man...its always fun to catch something unexpected.
  13. Welcome to BR!
  14. Hello and welcome!
  15. So I watched my first fishing tournament last night. I think it was Major League Fishing or something like that. Anyway, its like 3:30 in the morning and I'm flipping through the On-Demand menu and I saw some fishing stuff. Figured, 'ok...Ill watch a nice relaxing fishing show'. All of a sudden my TV speakers practically explode with Iaconelli going 'RRRRRAAAAAWWWWWRRRR!!!!! I CAUGHT A FISH!!!! OMG!!!!! RRRRRAAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!!'. And then it cuts to one of the other boats clear across the lake and you hear him in the background and the guy goes 'I hear screamin...Iaconelli must have caught a fish'. My girlfriend who was asleep actually got up to ask me what the hell that noise was. What's that guys deal? I'm not questioning his fishing skill. He was killing it the whole time. I just think he needs to lay off the mountain dew or something.
  16. Awesome fish!
  17. Hello and welcome!
  18. Welcome to BR!
  19. Sucks man but at least you still caught some nice fish. I wouldn't mind catching that one in the picture.
  20. Caught a couple on spinner baits myself a few days ago. Definitely wasn't expecting the results I got considering the water temps.
  21. Sounds like a fun trip and that story about Ethel is pretty cool!
  22. Hello and welcome!
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