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Tuckahoe Joe

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Everything posted by Tuckahoe Joe

  1. Cigarettes for the wife. She needs to lay off those d**n things.
  2. I don't mean to hijack the thread but how do you play, softball, basketball, hockey or anything like that without keeping score? That just seems incredibly pointless regardless of what is trying to be accomplished. In that case, why even have teams? Why not just shoot a few hoops by yourself at the local park or toss a ball around with your dad? I'm personally not even into sports but if I were to play some team sport without keeping score, it would just feel like a complete waste of time.
  3. Looks like a chain pickerel to me. Seems like that's all I catch anymore. Instead of bass fishing, my new strategy is to go pickerel fishing. Then maybe I'll catch some bass as a bonus.
  4. Awesome fish!
  5. Awesome fish!
  6. Great report and some excellent smallies!
  7. Nice fish...congrats!
  8. Couple of nice fish there!
  9. Nice one!
  10. Awesome fish!
  11. Welcome to BR!
  12. Story of my life. Maybe try a spinnerbait or lipless crank. Sounds like you got topwater covered with your buzzbaits and the bottom with your jig/brush hog. A spinnerbait or lipless crank will let you target the middle of the water column.
  13. I've learned a ton. When I started out I was just Google searching my questions about bass fishing and just about every time one of the top search results was a Bass Resource thread. After a while I figured I should join up. Best bass fishing site ever!
  14. One of those new premium chicken wraps from McDonalds. Those things are legit!
  15. Congrats on the bed fishing! I tried to get a couple off of beds yesterday but they just laughed at me and swam away. I read something semi-recently about deformities in fish. I forget where but one of the things mentioned was something about a spinal defect. If it wasn't an article or post on here, it was either in Bassin' or Bassmaster magazines. Not sure of the issue though.
  16. Those things are giant...good job!
  17. Good point and very true. Peer pressure is a large contributing factor in many cases. But IMHO, kids are more likely to be susceptible to negative peer pressure when they are shown (through poor parenting or lack of parenting altogether) that there are no negative consequences to their actions. Ill use myself as an example. I won't say my parents were strict but they made sure I knew right from wrong and if I got out of line, I was grounded/corrected/whatever and as far as school, anything less than A's and B's was just unacceptable and I wasn't allowed to miss a day unless I needed to be hospitalized. My brother is 6 years younger than me and for whatever reason, when he came along, my parents pretty much just let him do what he pleased. Any rules or guidelines were more or less thrown out the window and grades/attendance no longer mattered. Basically, I was properly disciplined and he wasn't. We grew up in the same neighborhood, hung around the same groups of people, and were exposed to the same sorts of delinquent behaviors. Without going into details, Ill just say that I went one way and he went the other. I strove to rise above it and he just laid back and accepted it. He's my little brother and I love him and all but I don't particularly care for the person he's become and I believe a lot of that has to do with the way he was raised.
  18. I don't know about the age kids everyone else is talking about but I've had problems with kids from as young as 12 all the way up to people well into their 30's who I still wouldn't consider adults. Judging from your posts that I've read on this forum, you seem like a stand up guy. One time I was driving through my neighborhood at like 10:30 pm on a Monday night and pulled up to a stop sign. I looked in my mirror, saw 2 little 12 year old kids (at 10:30 on a school night), and one gives his friend a look like 'hey watch this' and proceeds to bounce a football off the back window of my car. I got out and the kids took off so I took their ball and put it in my back seat. A couple days later, I see the kid walking with his dad so I pull over, give the dad the ball and told him what happened. The kid's dad basically just brushes me off like its no big deal, shrugs his shoulders and hands the ball back to the kid and all the while the kid is looking right at me with a smartass smirk on his face. I just shook my head in disbelief, got back in my car, and drove away. It's been said time and again in this thread. The problem lies with the parents.
  19. Not a bad first fish at all....congrats to your boy!
  20. Not a bad list. The only tip I have is in regards to the blade configuration on your spinnerbait. Consider the time of day your usually going to be fishing and the clarity of the water. Of the different blade types, Colorado blades give off the most vibration and as such are more suited towards murkier water and low light situations (i.e. before sunrise/after sunset). It helps the fish find the bait by using its lateral line rather than finding it by sight. If your fishing clearer water, you may be better off with Willow blades. Willow blades catch the sunlight better and provide more flash. The fish sees a glint that looks like a baitfish swimming by and slams it. Or you could compromise and use a large Willow blade with a smaller Colorado one. And remember, silver blades when its bright out and gold ones when its overcast. Just a few things to think about. Eventually, your best bet will be to have at least a few spinnerbaits with different blade configurations to cover any situation you may come across.
  21. A Firetiger inline spinner with a gold blade is my go to bait for trout on overcast days. I could be wrong but I would think it would be a good color anytime you'd throw something chartreuse. Those bright colors really stand out in murky water.
  22. Awesome! I saw a couple bass on a bed today as well. Threw a couple different baits at them with no such luck. They would spook really easily, swim off, and come back about 30-45 seconds later. Congrats on a great fish!
  23. Nice fish...congrats!
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